logo idea by comradekingu is logo idea



Softer edges all around.

While this is not a Y-X symmetric design, but rather YX - XY, it survives a flip. The bottommost arrow will always point towards the user, or where to open the lid.
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I was just playing around with this one, thinking of adding a chamfer edge, then done some colour splashes on it...


But then you know how you suddenly see something you hadn't at first, then it's just always like that.... :)



Welcome to FZEROs cocktail and striptease bar.

Edit: aah, i got it now

Edit2: How about



Edit3: Since that just looked like a heli landingspot how about



Could be cool if they were all chafered. 3d modeling task maybe.

If the diagonals are coloured in you would get a nice two tone effect if all the chaferings are transparent.

Edit4:  How about instead of just the scaled lines, they are also tapering off with distance. and then the diagonals do the opposite.  Or everything is evenly spaced (pun unintentional) so you can see it ever which way you want.
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We know, thats the point.

A possible alteration for the wireframe is to do the middle bit as a star (edges touching in centre. And have the arrows lines spaced like the other ones are now.

Edit: something like

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i like that, visually makes me think of the emperor's shuttle


Less lines, I think it looks good
Now that I look at it, you're right, so I guess once you add that bend to it, this version has already been presented hasn't it. Oh well, I guess since EvilDragon didn't choose the pyra ambigram it doesn't matter.

 It's too bad, I thought it was one of the best. It would look pretty dang slick one the lid all lit up and such.

EDIT: Congrats, you have 1234 posts at this time ^_^
Actually, the only that most resembles the design of the Pyra as a computer-gaming device, even though the others are good but not quite as relevant under this description.
Is this the trapezoid you are looking for?




Uncanny resemblence to a UK plug as well.

This one is just a little too similar to the Ingress logo [a triangle away]... I didn't even notice that though until today when I got an email from them

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I think these have been continuously made even after the Pyra logo was voted on and decided, then voted on and decided.  I sometimes make things like this too, for fun.
Are those trees from some kind of 'Rude looking trees dot blogspot' site?

If they are, send me the link please :)

Back to the logo...

I prefer this one myself


I see an evil face in it, angry brow or horned head.

Also reminds me a bit of a peg or a those newton cradle executive toys... but mostly an evil face


Think the feminism chat should splinter off to a new thread...?

We pulling the lever here

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Back to the logo...

I prefer this one myself


I see an evil face in it, angry brow or horned head.

Also reminds me a bit of a peg or a those newton cradle executive toys... but mostly an evil face
Yes, so many things to see.  Unfortunately all I see now is a disgruntled face.  Thanks for ruining it for me.  :P
In making it i thought it was a set of ovaries. Loosely based on unseeing the dodge logo.

It almost helped me where education failed. And to be precise i failed education on ovaries, because why would i ever need to know about ovaries!?

Teacher of elementary school, you stand corrected.


Here be the dragon.

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