logo idea by comradekingu is logo idea

Did away with the borders, more with less?




Small tweaks:


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I like the Dragonode . This is the best name so far, but I don't like the mesh logo.

it will be more cool to use the "eye" in the "O" for official logo. :)
Getting sued because someone did it before, not so hot. Maybe with both eyes together with the font (in slightly differnt sizes) it could happen i thought. But printing that on the back of the device you get the traditional thinkpad (right way) apple (wrong way) -issue.

That being said, i made some other logos




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I feel like, while those logos look nice, they'll be too complicated to be effectively put on the case of the pandora. Too many fine deteils, it'll just look like a blob of shapes.
I feel like, while those logos look nice, they'll be too complicated to be effectively put on the case of the pandora. Too many fine deteils, it'll just look like a blob of shapes.
One metaphorical nail has just been hit precisely on its head.
I guess it's still the same problem. Like, on the case itself, I think it would just feel/look like a bumpy diamond. When you look at the logo for the current Pandora, it's simply 3 shapes, with plenty of empty space between the lines of the shape, so the design is made very clear. It's a very good design, but I don't think it would be very good in application to the case.
I would also argue that Celtic knots, while pretty and interesting in their own right are from a Marketing perspective too generic to make a good logo unless there is is some symbolism that links the knot itself to either the brand or the product. I don't see any such applying here.  (Or if there is, it's not a strong enough link for it to make a good logo by itself.)

- Neelix
Ideally a good logo should be easy to remember, to identify and to draw yourself. 

The celtic thing is far, far away from that, even if it looks nice. I can't draw it from memory, therefore its distinctiveness is very low and it makes for a poor logo in terms of marketing. While I don't really like the current Pandora logo, it's still more memorable and easy to visualize and it represents a box. Lines mashed together in seemingly random order don't represent anything.

And one does not make a logo out of the blue like that. A logo is something that comes at the end of the process of defining the brand. First you have to know what the brand stands for, what emotion you want to inspire, what it stands for and things like that. Then you have the name, and the name and logo should clearly match together somehow - i cannot be created in two different directions.

A logo is something that's owned by the design team, it's not really a community thing. But that's just my opinion. 
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A logo is something that's owned by the design team, it's not really a community thing. But that's just my opinion.
Except that in this case the community is the design team,  that was part of the mandate of ED's name & logo thread.  

I do generally agree with what you are saying here,  and believe that once the device name is finalised ED is going to have to start making the decisions you are referring to and guide the logo development process to it's conclusion. 

That said we do already have something to work with,  a brand name has been chosen (DragonBox) and we have a short list of possible device names. (i.e. the poll) 

Until ED says otherwise I think it makes sense to focus on logo ideas that link back to those names.

- Neelix
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Except that in this case the community is the design team,  that was part of the mandate of ED's name & logo thread.  
Nope, the community is not designing anything. 

ED and other members are actually designing the specs and the machine, and they are getting user feedback as much as they can as they go. That's very different from actually designing stuff. 

As for the name and logo thread, ED never said that he will pick up what the majority wants (or if he did, I have never seen it). Again, he is taking hints from the members around here, but the final decision can (and will) be his. 

Products don't get designed with hundreds of people. Let's make that very clear. 
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Except that in this case the community is the design team,  that was part of the mandate of ED's name & logo thread.  
Nope, the community is not designing anything. 

ED and other members are actually designing the specs and the machine, and they are getting user feedback as much as they can as they go. That's very different from actually designing stuff. 

As for the name and logo thread, ED never said that he will pick up what the majority wants (or if he did, I have never seen it). Again, he is taking hints from the members around here, but the final decision can (and will) be his. 

Products don't get designed with hundreds of people. Let's make that very clear. 
To clarify I was referring to the design team of the logo,  not the design team of the product.   They do not have to be designed by the same team, (in a big business they would be handled by completely separate departments) and as you were speaking of the logo I figured that's what you meant.  My apologies for the misunderstanding.

That being said,  ED was clearly delegating the logo design to the community members, as he has done before, with the DragonBox Shop logo.  Obviously he sets the specifications and makes the final decision,  but the logo is still being designed by community members at his direction, so in a real sense the community is acting as his design team for the logo.

- Neelix
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