Logic/(Realtime)Strategy games


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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There need to be more Log/(Reltime )Strat games, I would like to see Advance Wars type games, or some board game, like Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Othello, Mancala, Chinese Checkers, Hex, Octiles. Maby even AoE type game, there is one for GBA, but there are only about 10 units 10 researches 5 buildings, and 1 resource.
aoe game would be quite kool. there is sim city 2k on snes when they get that up to proper speed that would rock.
Well, so far as SNES strategy games are concerned, there's also Theme-park (which seems to be nearly full-speed, even with sound) and Civ 1 (which you can turn fs up as high as you like, since its turn based - although i know this is supposed to be RTS...).
Oh - and populous 1&2 although I've yet to get the hang of them.... other than that, most stuff I've come across is turn-based; and there's enough of that to keep going for some time out atm (check up the translation of Gundam Fighter SP for GG, and Crystal Warriors - both very nice :) )
If you are looking for somthing compareable to advance wars you should definatly check out shining force for the game gear. There is an english translated version which i snaged from emuchina which is pretty nice. The game is really similar to final fantasy games as far as being and rpg and the style. You walk around from town to town and search for stuff like any standard rpg but the battle system will be right up your ally. The battle system is alot like advancewars. you build up your army and then get into battles were its turn based but you have the same grid movment tyoe thing as advance wars. So if you are a fan of advance wars and final fantasy games check it out its like combing both of them.
For the board games, you can find some in the download section :
- Connect 4
- Flip It (Othello, but crash at start on some gp32)
- LK GO (japanese GO board game, but only for 2 players).. I've explained the rules in the comments from the hando's news about the release...
- Lone 32 (Abalone conversion, really good IA)
Abalone? I thought that was copyrighted or something because I have seen lots of playing boards, and they were ALL from the same company, but the game is REALLY fun anyway, so I won't complain about copyrights...
A port of "Dune" would be ace - that started off the Command & Conquer series. It ran ok on my 386 machine.. :)
In the Advance Wars vein, I highly recommend checking out Nectaris on the PC Engine (US version called Military Madness). When I first had that game years ago on the trusty ol' PCE, it was responsible for the loss of much, much time. And joypads. I still find it enjoyably slick today.

I like the C&C etc games, but I don't think they'd be alot of fun when you have to slop the cursor around using a joystick. Perhaps, though, another UI could be developed in order to make an RTS a good viability...
I have looked aroud and found famicom wars and super famicom wars. Advance wars is accutally another instalment in this series. there is a english patch for famicom wars and one being worked on for super famicom wars. I'm thinking super famicom wars could be pretty playable on a snes emulator. As well I came across super robot wars 3 for the snes. Its a turn based war game like advance wars and so on that has gundam / mazinger-z charactors in it. There is also a 100% english patch for this which is acctually pretty nicly done.