Little Big Planet Portable (For Psp)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
A really great game if you like platformers that aren't too twitch-hard and have some puzzle elements, and some light physics.

It looks like the engine could be pretty capable, so I am tempted to see if 'gears' can be assembled and see if they would operate; see about making a power-train or something :P

Anyway, I'm wondering -- are the downloadable levels made by normal peeps actually any good?

You see, I (naturally) run the PSP with custom firmware, as I dev for it (been awhile, but I've done a bunch of apps for it), and use it for ebooks and so forth. I can relatively easily flash to normal firmware (the LBP UMD comes with firmware 6 on it), but then I'd lose the CFW. I do keep a pandora battery/memstick handy, so I could then re-flash back to custom firmware without too much difficulty. Still, as you can see its pretty much a PITA .. I can use the LBP full UMD edition (I own it!), and thus get onto PSB and suck down levels or whatever.

But my question is -- are the player made levels actually worth the trouble? :)

LBP is definately worth getting for PSP; overall I'd say the PSP (Slim, the PSP-2000 is th ebest overall imho for moddability and overall good unit) is a great platform (though with flaws), and some great stuff in the library. LBP is fantastic, and along with Gran Turismo and MGetal Gear and such is keeping the platform going nicely.

I think there's some kind of hack that lets you download LBP levels as normal on a CFW PSP. I plan to try it later, as I've *finally* got wifi working in my house. I'll post later with any progress.
There is a hack to let you -play- downloaded levels, but you can't acquire them via the game, so no popularityflagsetc. You have to download them from a forum unless someone organizes a level site or somesuch. I didn't mess with it though..

If it's anything like the PS3 version, the community levels make the game.
Damn. I was hoping that some software called PSNabler would work. Unfortunately, it currently has some issues with LBP. Hopefully they'll get fixed soon though, as some of the levels look really good.

UMD includes fw6, so I reflash .. back to stock firmware :(

Game later tells me I need 6.20, so go to systrem updater and do that.. reflash #2.

Then game tells me I need PSN account, so go set that up, come back into game.

Game tells me I need to be patched in order to get commjnity levels .. spend awhile figuring out how thats done .. turns out you can hit Triangle on the UMD game to get an Update option. Who knew? Update the game.

After all this damned effort, can finally get community levels. Some of those are unforgiving as hell, but some great ones it does seem ..

I'm in the same predicament. Wondering whether to upgrade or not. I don't have a pandora battery spare, but I suppose I could buy one from DX easily enough. Do you advise the upgrade for LBP's custom levels? I only really use the CFW for PS1 games, and I'm getting fed up of having to use silly workarounds like ripping my own games so they'll actually work.