Little Big Adventure


Still Fresh
Feb 23, 2011
London U.K.
Loved this game, but it probably come out too soon for me (I was a frail little 12 year old back then) and some of the puzzles proved a bit taxing on my developing brain!

I've always been determined to finish the game at some stage and the Pandora presents the perfect solution! Question is which version is the best? I still have it on PS1.... somewhere..
I heard the Amiga version was very good although it used a lot of discs.

I actually bought it about a day before my Amiga started having problems so It's the one game that I never actually got to play even though I legally owned it.
^ I think you confuse LBA with another game.

LBA was only made for PC and PS1 IIRC

From what I've read, PS1 or PC are mostly the same, but it seems that the NTSC PS1 version isn't as good looking as the others.
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Being a Games collector and brought up through the Spectrum, Amiga ranks Liittle Big Adventure

was not an Amiga game.

There was an Amiga game called Little Computer People.
That is listed under PC games.
Yeah I never said it wasn't. I was just posting to the one that I meant as I was in a rush to answer.

My Amiga buggered up around the same time that I got my first PC. Looks like it stuck in my head as being an Amiga game with the type of graphics it had and because of the timing of the release. My bad :)
Can't wait for my Pandora to arrive, gonna get cracking on this on my computamabob! Luckily for me, Im the proud owner of the PAL version :D
Best way I have tried is with PCSX Rearmed. There is a good Twinsen native port too that needs required PC game files too