List Your Favourite/notable Spectrum Games!

Yes the spectrum is where most of us UK'ers started!

It's actually quite difficult for me to recommend many speccy games as being truly great because it shared a lot of content with the C64 and Amstrad - if you already know and love these versions you will not like their speccy equivalents. (I really hate some of the C64 versions of my favourite speccy games...)

There are also a huge number of arcade conversions that were brilliant at the time and are still impressive demos of what you could do with limited hardware but they have aged very badly. I still play them because of all the nostalgia - but I can't really recommend them to someone who never owned a spectrum to begin with. Not with the MAME versions becoming available...

Lets see:

I always had a soft spot for Pippo myself.

It was one of those 2 quid masterpieces from mastertonic. Other favourite games are:

The Pyramid - (shoot the scary flying dustbins!)
Trap Door - a bizarre UK TV childrens programme spin off with cool graphics
Ant Attack - Not really workable on GP32 'cos of a lack of buttons
Where time stood still
The Great Escape
The Sentinel
Head Over Heals (to me the best version, I finally completed it last year - it still plays great!)
Skool daze and Bak to skool

and anything by "Ultimate - Play the game"
In addittion to the excellent choices already listed:

Psytron was one of the games that retrospectively doesn't seem possible on a Speccy.

Raid over Moscow was a particular commie-bashing favourite.
I think we should get some of these coders who made these masterpieces for the spectrum (the finest machine ever, of course); and bring them back to coding! The old retro gamer mag used to interview these people, and lots of them had left the industry. Send them a gp2x and let them express themselves again! For our benefit.

I played the spectrum to death, but when anyone asks me what games I played I can only remember a few! But on the GP32 deathchase is still a fine game!!!
Tippy posted on Oct 8 2005 at 04:16 PM said:
In addittion to the excellent choices already listed:

Psytron was one of the games that retrospectively doesn't seem possible on a Speccy.

Raid over Moscow was a particular commie-bashing favourite.
Ah, I had forgot about Psytron... absolutely brilliant game. I remember I almost completed it. I even made my own (terrible) Psytron version in Basic... :rolleyes:
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Chaos (great grandpappy of UFO, in a sense) & 3D Deathchase. Also Rescue, Colony and Feud were great.
School Daze
Some of my favourites Games

I always used to like 'Hate', it was a isometic shoot em up type thing...Really fun.
Also one I can't remember the name of where you had to fly a plane and sink the Bismark...
All the Dizzy games, This is where i played them the most (On the speccy).

Text adventures, Bulbo and the lizard king, The hobbit, Lord of the rings, The boggit, The famous five, Waxworks, The blood of bogmole, Bored of the rings, Legend of apache gold, And tons of others i have played, But not completed. The speccy was texted adventure heaven. :)

Loads more i could say, But my brain`s not in gear. :rolleyes:

Jumping Jack
Jet Set Willy
Chuck Egg

The three above are the ones I was playing the most!