Yeah, if you wanted to really push it, you could say "THE FAMOUS BIG OVERCLOCKING CHIP - 99% guaranteed" or something , then in a bit of small print say "no overclock is 100% guaranteed"
But I think, if you fiddled a bit then it'll go up (
). I also have an nforce2 board, and I'm sure this should let you do it.
Have you got a bios section called something like "RATES AND VOLTAGES" where you set the multiplier and voltage? Also, maybe lower your FSB by a notch or to to play it safe. Mines running at 14x168 or something like that, cause my ram won't let the FSB go above 175 or so.
[edit=rico] [edit2]oops, I mean...
rico said:
EDIT AGAIN: Shit, it's running at 45 degrees after some Prime95 testing. And the clock speed is still 1700. I'm snaking up the Vcore though, and what's weirder is that I turned off my Coolermaster HSF and it uhm... didn't change the temperature. If the fan isn't working, then I can understand the crappy performance!
Yeah could be. As a matter of fact I've heard of people running the CPU fanless (i don't recall what speed). That HSF, although getting good reviews, does seem a bit cheap and gimmicky considering the size vs price factor. I don't know as I've never used it and the reviews
do seem good, but maybe some of them can be a bit problematic.
[edit1million]JESUS, bloody spellings getting worse and worse.