List of games that work well with snes9x

sensible GP32

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2003
suburban once more
Wow what a sucsess thanks all you people that contributed, keep em comming..... ive only just got up but im gunna start downloading some more roms to test.

ive added all your suggetions to the list to make it easier to read, well you wont have to go through all the other threads.


Games that have worked well

Mega man soccer
Sensible soccer European Champions
Flashback <--- get it works perfectly with sound (thanks craig)
cannonfodder - (frameskip 2) is your best option
Zombies Ate My neighbours
Turtles Through time (everybody's arcade favourtie)
Smash Tv
Puzzel Bobble works ok Frameskip 2-3
Donkey Kong Country is playable frameskip 4 without sound
Mario world frameskip 5-6 without sound is playable
Maui Mallard
Micro Machines
Super Mario World
Super Mario Allstars
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (the slight slowdown helps with your reaction time
Aliens Vs Predator
Cannon Fodder
Lost Vikings
super metriod
FF2 - Wroks well

Games that dont seem to work well
Capcom soccer
Roller Hockey '95
Street Racer
Super bomberman 2
Smash Court Tennis
I've just tried The Addams Family (mario style game) after a recommendation and it works perfect too with frame skip2.

You know what would be a brilliant option and also speed things up a lot? A layer option, so you could turn off background layers (you don't NEED to see those hills in mario :)

Can someone please test the following games for me?
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Super Mario Allstars
Secret of Mana
Breath of Fire
Front Mission (Brillant game - Fan Transalation)

Sim City - normal version, 2000 is too slow.
LoL, why do you want someone to test starfox for you, you already know that it won't work.
Great to have a snes emu update!! :) :) :)

Puzzel Bobble works ok Frameskip 2-3
Donkey Kong Country is playable frameskip 4 without sound
Mario world frameskip 5-6 without sound is playable
Mario World is better on frame skip 2, its almost perfect. In fact after playing with the emu all afternoon i think the default skip should be 2, not 3.

I have been playing a LOT the past few hours....

I do LOVE my GP32!

Maui Mallard (One of my personal favourites) runs slightly slowly but is almost the better for it at frame skip 2

Micro Machines 1 to my eyes runs perfectly at frameskip 2 (originally it was a bit on the fast side, with FS 2 the game is even better)

I second that layer thing.... an option which allows you to turn layers of for increased speed would be just fabulous....
I would gladly be able to have audio or higher frame rate instead of the "sunset" layer in maui mallard or the hills layer in mario....

-- Plupp
Here is another feature that I would like to see: An average fps or percentage counter in the menu (not in the emu since I think that would slow it down further) that way you can know if its going too slow or not..... without a percentage in the window...

I have also noticed that trying to start Yoshis cookie resets the gp32....
(I know that the romset is correct since it works with snes.fxe)

-- Plupp
Donkey Kong country did not work for me 1 or 2 or flash back.

Killer instincts work, but slow.
SF2 Turbo: Works well w/O sound... a little slowish.
Final fight 3.. tad slow...
NBA jam.. ok on FS 2-3
Flashback does work, and its full speed with sound, brilliant.

Donkey kong (whichever one i tried) said something like 'Your using this on an emulator, and we know, and were not going to let you play the game'.

Never seen that before!

When people say frame skip 2 what does it mean and how do u select frame skip 2. Also how do u switch sound on, I am playing sensi soccer but there is no sound?
Super Mario World is playable by default and great fun.
Super Mario Allstars runs slightly faster.
Chrono Trigger is bloody slow but still okay-ish since it's an RPG.

I don't have any of the other roms available.
When people say frame skip 2 what does it mean and how do u select frame skip 2. Also how do u switch sound on, I am playing sensi soccer but there is no sound?

I don`t mean to sound a jerk, But have you read the readme file that came with the program. <_<

Or am i being too harsh with him everyone. :unsure:

NBA Jam does run well with some frameskips and sound off but im having trouble setting up a good control scheme.I know how to do it, but i just don't know what buttons do what in the original game . im sure ill figure it out shortly tho