Ok, every time I install a new (version of a) distro or a new driver, I have to use another fix and have to look them up, so let's just have a nice little place for solutions to this problem here so that people stop enduring all the dreadful screen tearing regardless of all activated vsync options in the system settings (compiz, nvidia-settings, etc...). I'm tired of this problem popping up everywhere with no or cluttered solutions.
I have three fixes for the proprietary Nvidia driver (I know, I know...but it's damn fast and working really well) by now and apply them all just to make sure - works splendid for me, no more tearing. If you got more solutions for different drivers and cards, please post them.
Tearing fix 1:
if this didn't work:
creating "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" (if not existent) for fix 2 and 3
1. install "nvidia-settings" via appget or synpatic
2. open "Nvidia XServer Settings" -> X Server Display Configuration -> Save to X Configuration File
Tearing fix 2:
1. Open "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" as root
2. Almost at the end of the file you see 2 lines with options:
Option "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-0"
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
3. Change the second line to this:
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
still no cigar?
Tearing fix 3:
Add to "root/etc/x11/xorg.conf"
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Disabled"
PS: Back up the original lines by copypasting them and putting a # sign in front of it to change it in to a remark.
To make sure the file in its new configuration is used you have to reboot.
PPS: I'm currently using a GeForce GTX 750 in Linux Mint 18.
I have three fixes for the proprietary Nvidia driver (I know, I know...but it's damn fast and working really well) by now and apply them all just to make sure - works splendid for me, no more tearing. If you got more solutions for different drivers and cards, please post them.
Tearing fix 1:
if this didn't work:
creating "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" (if not existent) for fix 2 and 3
1. install "nvidia-settings" via appget or synpatic
2. open "Nvidia XServer Settings" -> X Server Display Configuration -> Save to X Configuration File
Tearing fix 2:
1. Open "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" as root
2. Almost at the end of the file you see 2 lines with options:
Option "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-0"
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
3. Change the second line to this:
Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
still no cigar?
Tearing fix 3:
Add to "root/etc/x11/xorg.conf"
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Disabled"
PS: Back up the original lines by copypasting them and putting a # sign in front of it to change it in to a remark.
To make sure the file in its new configuration is used you have to reboot.
PPS: I'm currently using a GeForce GTX 750 in Linux Mint 18.

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