Link Cable


Aug 4, 2004
would it be possible to make a usb cable to connect 2 gp32's to eachother and then you play games like with the rf unit but if that can, is it possible to create software that you then can swap info, media, games between 2 gp32's with this cable?
Fire_Blade posted on Aug 26 2004 at 08:46 AM said:
would it be possible to make a usb cable to connect 2 gp32's to eachother and then you play games like with the rf unit but if that can, is it possible to create software that you then can swap info, media, games between 2 gp32's with this cable?

I think the GP32's USB Port is Unpowered (Its gets its power from the PC) so I dont think linking GP32 USB to GP32 USB would work,

Linking Gp32 EXT to GP32 EXT would probably work dont know
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ow, usb, EXT, ... it doesn't matter to me, i just want a cable that you can play with eachother AND send and receive files from another gp32
There's something that's called RF-Link, it does anything you want, except for:
- there's no cable, it's wireless. :)
- there's no software to transfer files from one GP32 to another (yet)

SvOlli posted on Aug 26 2004 at 09:40 AM said:
There's something that's called RF-Link, it does anything you want, except for:
- there's no cable, it's wireless. :)
- there's no software to transfer files from one GP32 to another (yet)

if you are talking about a RF-unit, i don't buy it because it's to expensif, and you can't transfer files. a cable would be cheaper i think.
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rcx21000 posted on Aug 26 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
And you need to get 2. Uness you just expect to meat someone else with a GP32 & RF link ;).
yup, i still think that a cable would be MUCH cheaper and you could maybe make one yourself but I have no idea how to make one so I want to ask somebody to try this.
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Did you not listen? The gp32 USB port is unpowered, if you want something like this so bad just buy the RF links, do you even know anyone else with a gp32?

he wants to do thing the RF link cant do

and there has been mention of a EXT port, which is more likly to work

finty, read the godamn topic b4 u start annoyoong the fuck outta people
But the RF link could do it with the right software coded for it, so I think it would be easier to ask a dev (nicely) to code an application which could do that, instead of asking someone to make a whole new way of linking the gp32's, then coding an application to get the cable to work.
Hmmm, that could pose as a problem.

Where did you read that? Or does anyone else know if it is true?

EDIT: It does sound a bit weird too though, surely data such as which charecter was selected etc. would have to pass through it. I am confused.
sorry if i haven't replyed i went to a LAN-party.
@finty: yes i know someone with a gp that's the whole reason why i want such a cable, cus then we can swap files in school.

and yes i read this topic and at first i tought of a usb link cable but then steve-o told me that the usb is unpowered but they could use the EXT.

@mattmagoo: did you read that somewhere that they are thinking of making a link cable with the EXT exit
Well a link for the 2 EXT. ports shouldn't be hard to make, but the thing is, will it work?

Plus someone will still have to code an application to let the files transfer etc.
finty101 posted on Aug 29 2004 at 09:55 PM said:
Well a link for the 2 EXT. ports shouldn't be hard to make, but the thing is, will it work?

Plus someone will still have to code an application to let the files transfer etc.
yup but i think if you have patients, somebody will make it*wink wink*
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