Limit The Filesize Of Avatars

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Trolling on the Spiderweb
Jul 10, 2003
Happy Magic Grand Land
It's hard to browse this forum on 56k when somebody has a 100kb animated avatar of something totally unnecessary. While only a few abuse the avatar service this way, it shouldnt be allowed.

Love and hugs,
- Klown
Turn them off, So you don`t have to see them, Sigs can be just as bad but you mention them. You could always reach further into you wallet and get broadband. :rolleyes:

The onlu way toavoid avatars is to turn them off. We can do nothing about it as most of them are just linked avatars from other servers. Our upload system allows only small avatars to upload but when you link outside the gp32x we can do nothing.
whoever uses dialup instead of broadband must be mad.. even 128k seems alot faster than dial up..

i know someone in my grampas street moved to dial up cos he found out it was cheaper :rolleyes: lmao.. T1 0wnz
Oh, cool. I'd not seen the option to turn avatars and sigs off before. I think they frequently are too big here, so that's a great answer for me. I'm not thinking of bandwidth - they just clutter the page up (IMHO, etc). There's also the lo fi version of the board, which may be a good option.

And not everyone can have broadband - there are still many areas it's not yet available. Those poor people ;)
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His avatar (Klown) is now 227kb ;) .
I`m going to start a topic about this, These avatar are too large, etc, etc.

Space ghost, By the look of it.

no, coz then youll block all the images from imageshack, which fuck up your intenet enjoyment a little

just use photoshop to reduce the amount of colour shown a once

someone had a balck and white avatar once, but it was set at 256 colours and came out in an array of shades of grey

meaning big filesize
Bugger I didn't get a chance to ask Klown about his superiority complex. LMFAO

Stoke up the brain cell Klown you going on a ride boy :)

You lost all credibility when you slapped a 200 odd k avatar into your post.
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