I'm an athiest, libertarian anarcho-capitalist.
Ben Franklin said, "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner." That's why none of you live in democracies. You probably all live under some sort of republic or representitive government. There is no country that is a democracy, that I'm aware of. And socialism is evil, period, call it whatever you want. Worked out well for the Russians, eh? Socialism is just an excuse for the gov't to take your rights and property.
Ben Franklin said, "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner." That's why none of you live in democracies. You probably all live under some sort of republic or representitive government. There is no country that is a democracy, that I'm aware of. And socialism is evil, period, call it whatever you want. Worked out well for the Russians, eh? Socialism is just an excuse for the gov't to take your rights and property.