Very Active Member
More constructively, it occurs to me that there are a lot of little widgets and applets out there already. Many are either already in Debian, or just a compile away.
Although there may be a few special Pyra gadgets to write, I suspect most of the work is in finding existing ones, and making them play nicely.
One gadget I would particularly like to see is a friendly game-control remapper. It isn't exactly obvious what the buttons and nubs should do. Mouse movement? Joysticks? Scrolling? PgUp/PgDn? Mouse buttons? It depends on the user, and you might well want to change it on the fly.
Such a tool should provide a menu of pre-set (or user-designed) configurations, and I imagine would be mostly a frontend to xmodmap. There are HID mapping utilities out there already, but I don't know if there are any that really suit our purpose.
Point. [Here]( is a nice shutdown timer applet.
For gaming controls mapping, I use antimicrox. Works pretty good on my desktop at least. It gives you a mice front end, of which you can build out a sdl2 config.
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