Release Legends Of Yore


Oct 6, 2008
Official homepage

Pandora download


Game play video

Pandora version needs Java!

Roguelike RPG with nice pixel graphics and online savegame sync. This is free version. If you want to nourish your character above exp level 20 without penalties you should purchase a full version on game's website. You'll receive an activation code from the developer and you can then activate the game on Pandora. You can also continue playing without purchasing but your stats, gold and items will be restricted.

If you create an account (free) on game server you can sync (save/load) your gamesaves across various platforms/game installations (Pandora, Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS).

No fullscreen available for Pandora (yet...?).

Thanks to nagelfar we have 800x480 resolution and fullscreen can be enabled by right-click on the window top bar and selecting it from the menu.

Key Controls

D-Pad - movement and attack

Space - turn pass / wait

Enter - confirmation of some in-game dialogue windows

K - main gaming world view

L - levels, character statistics

I - inventory

M - map

O - options

1-9 - quick slot items activation

Esc - escapes some in-game dialogue windows

Mouse/Touch Controls

Everything is mouse/finger controlled. Click where you want to move to. Click on a enemy to attack or move to attack. Explore the interface by clicking tabs on the right hand side of the screen.


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I spent a lot of time yesterday on this one. I like it more than classic rogue games because there's some little quest, a town, different dungeons...Great game :)
This looks great! I just downloaded it. Will play it when I get a break from work. Thanks!
Can somebody please test the PND attached to this post? Post your hw specs and version of Java you've used. Thanks.

It should run in 800x480 but still not in true fullscreen (window decorations are still present). It runs fine on my 1GHz unit with the latest Java PND and Oracle's JRE. I tried OpenJDK Java but it fails.

Also, setting the taskbar panel to autohide is recommended for better experience. (right-click the taskbar > Customize panel > Autohide)

Big thanks for resolution hacking to nagelfar. He's the brave Java warrior who made the higher reso possible!



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I've tested the pnd with the same config as you (1ghz pandora, Oracle java). Here's what I can say :

- By default the window is not fully on the left...There's like one pixel of my desktop showing

- On the left of the game screen, in the repo version there was 3 shortcuts for stuff and a V to see some mores. In the new version we can see 6 straight and one truncated and no V.

- You can put the application totally fullscreen by right clicking on the application bar and click "FullScreen" :)

- I ran java install and said "no" to use oracle version and the game seems to works. (A bit slower)

Hope it helps :)
Great! I never knew about "Fullscreen" option! This changes all! T H A N K S!

Same here with window being a few pixels to the right. I usually dragged a bit the window to the left and it snapped to the screen edge.

I'm affraid that re-aligning the quick slot items properly including the "V" button would require more advanced hacking of the source code. I work this around by assigning the items to slots and recalling them by numeric row keys respectively. Those after nr. 6 I have to simply remember or have a look at them in the inventory or don't use them at all.

I'll let the nagelfar know about your discovery. He's hacking the code but not having the Pandora, so I'm his remote testing/debugging arm :-)
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