Beta [beta] Pacifi3D


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is a beta Pacifi3D, a 3D Pacman emulator.


You will need some pacman roms to run this emu (complete non-merge set, unzipped in it's folder, but zipped file should be unzipped automaticaly by the runscript).

One of puckman puckmana puckmanf pacman pacmanf puckmod pacmod hangly hangly2 hangly3 newpuckx

The game can be a bit slow, because it render its screen in small batch. This port use glshim, and by simplifying the geometry, and using latest version of glshim that try (a bit) to better batch display list, it's playable (at least on a Gigahertz).

Controls are:

  • Cursors / Joypad moves pacman
  • 1/2 - Start game
  • 5/6 - Add coin
  • F1 - Cycle between views.
  • F2 - Reset Pacman
  • F3 - Toggle sound
  • F11 - Toggle fullscreen
  • F12 - Save numbered screen capture (snapXXXX.bmp)
  • Escape - Quit Game
  • Mouse - If you click and drag the mouse on Pacifi3d then movements will tilt the maze in 3rd person view.

* 2015-02-21*: Initial build. Forced 800x480 fullscreen. Simplified geometry.

A newer version is on the Beta thread.



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Crazy stuff!  I'd love to see the same technique applied to games like Frogger and Space Invaders .. heck, even Defender would be cool!
Galaga would be nice. But I guess that this is a very specific approach for getting Pacman running. Every model has its own displaylist and stuff. There would need to be a general algorithm that converts the spritebased stuff into 3D shapes with a set of changeable parameters. Or you would need to do custom models for every game.
Yes, it's very specific to the hardware & game logic. Only Pacman runs, and even not all variants of pacman (but quite a lot already).
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I suspect the rendering would need rethinking for a number of games. One of my favourite old one-screen games is Mr. Do. For that, how would you render the tunnels? Best idea I had was for them to be turned into trenches that you can see over, but that the monsters can't jump over.

Also, in Galaga (which I'd love to see as well) I was thinking about how the blue guys' tractor beam would look from a first person perspective. I think if done literally, it would just appear as a stack of circles, assuming each is slightly transparent, getting darker towards the center in rings, with each ring having a slightly blue or green cast, as seen through layers of blue and green filters. Or you could make them opaque but presented not as circles, but as arcs only a few pixels tall, so that you could see over the top of them.

And I guess in Galaga you'd want to retain the orientation of the spaceship, towards the aliens. In Pacman it translates the ghost characters which face away from the screen in the original into looking where they're going in the 3d translation.

Perhaps if you've worked out the kind of translations you'd want to make from 2D to 3D you could parameterise some of these decisions, but the reasonable way to get to that point is to manually convert a few other games first and see what choices need to be made and what works.