Although I seem to be one of the fortunate few who hasn't had a plethora of problems with my GP2x, I got my 512MB SD card through the post this morning and started actually DOING STUFF with it 
But, shortly afterwards, my LCD screen started playing up, i.e. flickering, horizontal blurs, and shortly afterwards, my unit crashed. I'm now a bit scared to turn the thing back on in case it happens again and something gets broken (like my SD card :blink: ). The only thing I think it could be related to is my battery running low, and that, as usual, GP never bothered to properly code something into the firmware which would shut the thing down if low on power. But I still wouldn't mind any second opinions as to what's causing it. Cheers in advance!
But, shortly afterwards, my LCD screen started playing up, i.e. flickering, horizontal blurs, and shortly afterwards, my unit crashed. I'm now a bit scared to turn the thing back on in case it happens again and something gets broken (like my SD card :blink: ). The only thing I think it could be related to is my battery running low, and that, as usual, GP never bothered to properly code something into the firmware which would shut the thing down if low on power. But I still wouldn't mind any second opinions as to what's causing it. Cheers in advance!