Kq1,2,3+qfg2 Vga Remakes On Pandora?

QFG2 is out?!?! SWEET! Finally!
Anywho, there is an AGS Linux binary, but it's x86 only. I'll see if I can contact the maintainer about producing an ARM port for the Pandora, but I wouldn't get your hopes up at this point.
joelll said:
Hello, i have not any experience with linux systems, but i have one question, it's possible to run any of this classic adventure games remakes on Pandora?

KQ3 and SQ2 VGA remakes by http://www.infamous-adventures.com
and KQ1,KQ2,QGF2 VGA remakes by http://agdinteractive.com

??? :) thanx for any answer...i like sierra classic adventure games and their reborn by fans

They appear to use the Adventure Game Studio, which isn't open source, so won't be portable to the Pandora, unless they specifically do it themselves. There is a Linux port of AGS, but that would still need somebody to produce a Pandora (ARM) specific build
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The guy who made it doesn't want to support linux for the latest builds because he counts the downloads for each type and Linux was rather insignificant. You'll have to convince the poor buy to update the Linux build first before asking if he could port to Linux.

I'd donate a few bucks if he did.
Thing is, whereas on PC, AGS on Linux is inevitably going to have a fairly small percentage of downloads, for Pandora, I'd rank it a killer app if done well. Even if done fairly badly, I'd probably still use it a lot. Having just played the QFG2 remake, and been inspired to replay the whole lot of the rest of them, I'd *really* like AGS on the go. Plus of course, there's those Ron Gilbert adventures, and Spooks and similar. Some very very good games. Hope someone can persuade him!

Anyway, moving this to general, because it's not really developer focused.
Is the Dos version of AGS still maintained? If so, then nothing whatsoever, and that might well be the solution. I suspect there may be issues with Dos's fairly stringent memory restrictions that prevent a lot of AGS games from being loaded, too, though I've no idea.

I do know that most of them are very sluggish even on a 3ghz machine if running with any sort of scaling algorithm, which implies they use more CPU power in general than is obvious. Which might, again, push them out of the region of DosBox... And what about sound?

NB that AGS games are only similar to the classic ones in appearance. They're actually made with a Windows toolkit, as I understand it, and made for modern computers.
cosurgi said:
what's wrong with using dosbox? If game runs on DOS it will work inside dosbox. I don't think there should be any speed issues.
Not talking about the originals here. To play the original KQ/SQ/QFG/etc games, yes, DosBox works great! Done so many times.
AGS (Adventure Game Studio) is an engine which people use to create entirely NEW point and click adventure games, but also remakes of the classics with stunningly stunning graphics (they're stunning!), sounds, sometimes vast improvements to gameplay in general.
So, port AGS, and you get these great games, plus an amazing library of original and great games!

As icurafu said, the guy who maintains the linux version has become very disheartened with the number of downloads and probably isn't going to continue. If I weren't already working on a major project, I'd offer up my own services. Hopefully someone else is willing to take up the mantle, because this would indeed be a killer app, right along side any other emulator!
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