Klimt Port 0.1

Tobriand posted on Aug 28 2004 at 08:30 PM said:
Have a glance http://on.to/maulo - especially developers. No idea if anyone will make use of it, but it looks pretty nice to me, especially for a ver 0.1 :)

News credit to http://www.gp32spain.com

yeah, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to allow devs to use some open GL for 3D on GP32 :p one word : WOW :)))
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I thin that's what its all about, though I don't think its a full OpenGL implementation somehow. It looks potentially wow though... not that I've actually tried the test .fxe files to see how fast they run, but nevertheless :)
DOOM 3!!!!!!!!!

PS: (I'm kidding)
rRootage (sources available) would be great, if transparencies are supported (and supported at a decent speed). Supposedly, a P166 running Windows in the background can handle it in high-res mode, with OGG music and all.
The only reason Doomsday is faster is because it has *HARDWARE* Opengl support. I mean, the OpenGL is accellerated by the video card. We have no video card, so everything is rendered in software. This means this will make absolutely nothing faster (as in speed of execution), but it *could* make a lot of stuff faster (as in time to port over).

It all depends on if the port is good and fast. If it is, some OpenGL games could be ported, probaby, but the OpenGL software renderer will always be slower than if someone made a custom 3d engine for gp32.