Keybord Problem after firmware flashing


Apr 8, 2013
Hi, i got my pandora today back from upgrading it to 1Ghz. (It was upgraded within 4 hours and was sent back at the same day! This i call fast!) I flashed the firmware but now i have a problem with the keyboard. When i hit some keys they display not only the key but a second one. For example when i hit c it displays 5c and when i hit 1 it displays 1.

What do i wrong?


It happens everytime when i click the key. When i hold the key pressed down, the key appears correct but five in a row.

There are problems with the last line of keys and with the numbers.

Z=3z x=4x c=5c v=6v b=7b n=8n

1=1, 2=2. 3=z3 etc.
Can you test it via the Pandora-Input tester whether the keypress is as long as you press?
Ok i tested it with pandora input tester. When i hold down the key both c and 4 or the other pairs remain highlighted.
That sounds like a short circuit, unfortunately.

The testing routing at the factory only test that every key has been pressed,but that's the case here.

That's why it passed the test.

It seems like a hardware fault, we need to replace that.
Thank you Ed for the very fast repair! I just installed Dosbox Ex and enjoy the good old SSI Goldbox RPGs.