Keyboard & Mouse


Jun 12, 2006
I'm planning to buy a usb keyboard and mouse for my gp2x cradle what's the application i can use them with?

if i bought a multimedia keyboard can i control the videos,music,photos, so i don't have to go front of the gp2x console to play any of my videos.

I have a bit problem with my photos i selected comic left view, now it selected to this mode how can i set it back to normal mode.
sukhigp said:
I have a bit problem with my photos i selected comic left view, now it selected to this mode how can i set it back to normal mode.
That's a bug in the F-200's built-in image viewer. It lacks an option to revert back to normal view. You have to manually delete the gp2xmark.ini files it creates in the image folders to remove the comic view. :(
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Yes you are right it has bug in it by removing gp2xmark in each folder it goes back to normal i hope gph releases update to fw 4.0, one solution solved if anyone knows anything about keyboard & mouse please help me out.
I started a thread on what HID remote to use. It seems that my Windows MCE remote works with the default menus and I can navigate and escape. I haven't bought any more remotes to test which one is best yet, but any standard one could probably do. Then you can hook the GP2X up and navigate from the couch.
can you give me any links where to get a hid remote control from i've never seen in any shops, actually i've never seen one.
Windows mce remote control whhere can i get one from or can you provide any links.