JXD S7300 And S5600 on the way

Right cazmiester yesterday i promised you i would test out a few apps for you today unfortuinately this has not happened yet as i have been messing around trying to get the wifi to work there are a number of users who have experienced wifi connection issues, i unfortuinately was one of these so could not get on to playstore to try the emulators in question out for you. However i can happily say i have come across the solution for this which i have posted here http://www.jxds7300.com/thread/37/wifi-internet-issues?scrollTo=139&page=1 and on dingoonity.org incase anyone else encounters wifi issues. now this is all sorted out i can download and test the emus for you. ive got a football match at 08:45 and should be home around 23:00 so i will post the results in the early hours of the morning and try and get some vids of them for you so you can make your own judgements on there quality
Dont burst a lung for me m8 just move at your own pace i can totally understand when you have issues had different probs with the archos gamepad but over time these have been resolved with the latest firmware update know exactly how you feel its irritating putting up with issues the testers should have sorted
@ Phelsumania : What did you pay in £ Sterling to get your S7300 (i.e. unit cost + shipping cost + import duty), my assumption from your profile is that you are based in the UK. Also what retailer did you buy it from?

Great work in setting up a forum for the S7300 but I can't help thinking you'd be better asking ED for mod rights and setting up a sub forum on gp32x.de.

My gut feel is that JXD have really hit a sweet spot with this device and that when the initial firmware issues have been ironed out & a few more reviews start appearing that there is a good chance that this thing could become rather popular.  :)
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Well I haven't put it down since I got it.

My Archos Gamepad. Even after the d-pad and battery mod, it is still sitting and collecting dust.

If they fix the button mapping issue and we get emulators running the screen at 60hz the S7300 will be just about perfect.
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right that's what I thought I might hear...

going to swap my Gamepad for the S7300 me thinks :)
I'd also like to know where you guys got yours ordered from.

I see Willgoo sell them to UK with free shipping too, but they sold out the white units and I quite fancied a white one.

wherever order from would probably not ship till after Chinese new year anyway, when there might even be new year sale deals..?
This is getting interesting now what with project shield,archos gamepad,jxd s7300 and now wikipad the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least as far as release and pricing go its all nvidia's to throw away depending on their pricing of shield.
This is getting interesting now what with project shield,archos gamepad,jxd s7300 and now wikipad the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least as far as release and pricing go its all nvidia's to throw away depending on their pricing of shield.
not to mention the new yinlips, gamestick and ouya because they will be pushing more controller based games.
This is getting interesting now what with project shield,archos gamepad,jxd s7300 and now wikipad the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least as far as release and pricing go its all nvidia's to throw away depending on their pricing of shield.
not to mention the new yinlips, gamestick and ouya because they will be pushing more controller based games.
What new yinlips? if its any of these single core monstrosities they will sink quicker than the titanic
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Good to see that custom roms are being released for the JXD S7300

Another review here

Anyone got a UK delivered (device + shipping + import duty) price for this thing?
This is getting interesting now what with project shield,archos gamepad,jxd s7300 and now wikipad the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least as far as release and pricing go its all nvidia's to throw away depending on their pricing of shield.
not to mention the new yinlips, gamestick and ouya because they will be pushing more controller based games.
gamestick is a waste of time ouya isnt a handheld what new yinlips? if its single allwinner core not worth bothering with
This looks like a good Custom Rom that is being actively developed for the S7300

Wonder how long it will be before we see this thing running Linux?

Would still love to hear from a UK owner the total cost / a good place to buy it from.

p&p was free/included

Ace Toys EU, an ebay trader based in UK.

He posted mine out pretty quick, I had it about 3 or 4 days after I paid for it.

I just checked his ebay store page and he doesn't have any S7300 up on there at moment but might be worth contacting him via his page and checking when he will have more. Might be sitting on some just not listed on ebay yet?

Edit: I am currently running that ROM you linked there, NCCE V 0.3b, it's nice, I didn't really play around with the stock one for too long tbh, about an hour or so if that, then put this straight onto it.

So far so good.
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Sorry but not enough buttons and no dual analog is a deal breaker for me.
Cheers FZERO, looks like they are also sold direct from the Ace Toys.EU website

If I didn't already have a Nexus7 with an iCP2 on the way then I'd snap one of these up for £115, still pretty tempting but I'll stay strong and wait for the A15 version which is probably on its way to market some time in the middle of this year if JXDs usual upgrade path is followed.

Rather get the gwc zero for which dingoonity has official support. Support where support is due.
The heart says yes to this but the head says that a 320 X 240 screen is not really good enough for me.
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