Need help with my JXD s601 Android


Still Fresh
Feb 24, 2012
Hello everyone i am new here, i am turning into a open source consoleaholic,

i am so happy with my JXD s601 But i have this question..

I've Just got the latest firmware, i had to delete everything and start over.

Hopefully this wont be an all the time thing when a new FW update is available

But this problem has me confused i have the internal memory as main and

SD card for backup, is it possible to load psx roms from the internal memory?

even those PSX4Droid is installed on my 32GB Secured Digital card? I have

a bunch of old playstation games from when i was 15 (27 now) and they're

just lying around, so i had a friend of mine to make them into isos.

I've tried using the ecm tool, and had no luck and i thought i was going

somewhere unecm, leaving me with the file extension .bin.ecm? This has to be

correct its that or psx4droid doesnt support it (have bios too)

And also I live in the United States is there any kind of way to enable PAL > NTSC?

i was so happy when i heard about the TV out option but i cannot use it because of

this... its hard getting in contact with JXD :(
well hello agian haha... I'm SNESFAN over in dingoonity, been trying to help you out a bit when I can

anyway to answer these questions

1) firmware update flashes the OS and the script in the official firmware updates wipes the user data portion so all applications will need to be reinstalled. data on internal storage and external microsd card will remain untouched unless you tell it to format the cards.

2) there are two main "storeage areas", you can browse to in any file manager also in the emulator it's self if you want to put roms on. the external sd card slot if you are familiar with linux /sdcard/ is the path, also can be found at /mnt/sdcard/ the other area, the internal 4gb is at /mnt/flash/ there is no other syslink for that one, so you must navigate to root "/" then to "/mnt/" then to "/mnt/flash" I think this is what you're asking. If not feel free to ask for more info, be glad to help. Also fpse and psx4droid can run iso's from anywhere you tell it to load from

3) my personal favorite psx rom format is pbp it cuts the size down in about half, and from my understanding the format is lossless meaning you won't notice a reduction of quality. Here is what I use on fpse and can comfirm it works beautifully, you can rename eboot.pbp to nameofgame.pbp and it will still run.

4) i would wait for another firmware update, the tv out is still pretty crappy quality and jxd said they were going to work on it.

ps.. you know you don't have to start a new thread for each question or jump from one forum to the next, will be glad to answer additional questions on any one of the other threads you started... or if you choose this one too
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well hello agian haha... I'm SNESFAN over in dingoonity, been trying to help you out a bit when I can

anyway to answer these questions

1) firmware update flashes the OS and the script in the official firmware updates wipes the user data portion so all applications will need to be reinstalled. data on internal storage and external microsd card will remain untouched unless you tell it to format the cards.

2) there are two main "storeage areas", you can browse to in any file manager also in the emulator it's self if you want to put roms on. the external sd card slot if you are familiar with linux /sdcard/ is the path, also can be found at /mnt/sdcard/ the other area, the internal 4gb is at /mnt/flash/ there is no other syslink for that one, so you must navigate to root "/" then to "/mnt/" then to "/mnt/flash" I think this is what you're asking. If not feel free to ask for more info, be glad to help. Also fpse and psx4droid can run iso's from anywhere you tell it to load from

3) my personal favorite psx rom format is pbp it cuts the size down in about half, and from my understanding the format is lossless meaning you won't notice a reduction of quality. Here is what I use on fpse and can comfirm it works beautifully, you can rename eboot.pbp to nameofgame.pbp and it will still run.

4) i would wait for another firmware update, the tv out is still pretty crappy quality and jxd said they were going to work on it.

ps.. you know you don't have to start a new thread for each question or jump from one forum to the next, will be glad to answer additional questions on any one of the other threads you started... or if you choose this one too

Haha well... well... well... we meet again! xD I will try that out man i will probably just wait on the firmware like you said, is there anyway i can install everything on my 32GB SD card instead of internal memory?
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yea, that's what I got in mine, I fit some 60 psx images, full collection of gb, gba, nes, snes, n64, sega systems and mame all on my 32gb card
yea, that's what I got in mine, I fit some 60 psx images, full collection of gb, gba, nes, snes, n64, sega systems and mame all on my 32gb card

Wow nice bro!!! had no clue a 32GB card could hold all that! :o so you've managed to wipe out the

internal memory and have everything on the SD?
it's not needed, you just open up the folder that is your microsd in the emulator

internal flash


external sd

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Ah sweet, thanks alot for your help bud :) Hmm i have a few other questions while i am on here hope im not bugging ya man lol

But why on earth fpse, everytime i start and quit it, i have to re-input the controls and everything else? It gets very annoying lol

And also, i need a productive casing for my JXD Android, I've looked on amazon but was very unsure what to get Is the

s601 the size of a psp 3000 ?
hey no problem, these are simple problems

fpse is a little weird, find one game, go in set all your settings, aspect ratio, button mappings, advanced features, memory card location etc etc... make sure it's set to the way you like it and there is an option in there to "save as default config" and "backup configuration" after you do that every game from that point forward should use those settings by default. If you find a game that you opened prior to setting the default that is different than your default, chose "restore from backup" that should fix those games.

in the thread on this forum about the S601, I put a link for size comparison, it's real handy for seeing if things are the same size if you plug in the measurements

it is almost identical to the PSP 3000 series. It is however 4mm taller, 1mm longer, and 2mm thinner when holding it proper
Ahh dude i saw those options and never thought of that lol, the i am so used to the settings saving automatic, and not doing them

maunal. Wow dude! Thanks for the link to the size easy site, its funny that the PSP JXD S601 is like its 1 shy of an inch taller than the 3001

i find that hillarious, so looks like i am in luck to get a case, now, i am going to get a generic case and buy a sheet of android stickers from

google store! thank you for your help dude. I guess all we have to do now is wait for more firmware to come out. I downloaded a snes

emulator and it has wifi to play with other people.. looksl ike i am going to have to buy a white jxd this time. One more thing dude

i usually love helping than offer me help, i highly appreicate you guys here and on dingoonity, i got the old visa out and looks like

i am having trouble finding a great game to play on OnLive, but i see the guy demonstating how onlive works... But its so laggy

isn't there like a tweaker or OC'er to speed it up a little (not to a dangerous matter that is) That may be a little helpeful

Also i highly appreicate you for helping me with my PSX problems, i got some isos some friends gave me and i got like

50 some psx games in the basement to pull out lol.
we do have several versions of overclockable kernels.. the jxd default is 600mhz, we have a 800mhz (actual chipset standard) 900mhz and 1GHz overclock. Also there are also 750, 850, and 950 mhz. Depending on your hardware's capability you might want to play around with each and find one that's good for your device.

For me 850-900mhz is what my jxd can do without many issues.

now be forwarned flashing the custom kernel isn't very user friendly, but it does work... but if you can follow directions we have supplied the files and posted instructions on my forum.


we are working on getting a custom rom that has all this included but we're not quite there yet. If you want to have your hand at it, make sure you have the official recovery from JXD ready incase you need to revert to stock and try agian.

EDIT: here's a guide on a way of dumping your physical psx cds to pbp format that is playable on fpse
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Oh man you've been very helpful!! highly appreicate!

Also.. my USB charge/data cables came yesterday and they do not work :( too small and it looks just like the one for m dingoo the connector

is the only thing that screwed up things. I need to buy one for my bestfriend her birthday is the 26th of this month and shes in school in another

state so i will have to buy it on amazon or somewhere not really having any luck, also i need help selecting a TV out cable, i use my rca cable for

my movies to watch on my 54" TV and i dont like the place its put it makes me scared my dingoo will fall on the ceramic tiles... i had one came

yesterday as well it was the right one but it had a nasty signal, reminds me of those vcrs from the 90s. But if you know of any man i'd love

to purchase the TV/OUT / USB Charge/Data Cable.

Thank you again.
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I'm not sure if I have a suggestion for the mini USB cable, the ones I have where bought from eBay a long time ago and where 6 ft long and came in a package of 10.

TV out that came with my dingoo works for me. Looks like a stereo plug with RCA out. The quality does suck a bit I think because its pal and our TV is NTSC . I think jxd is working on a fix but I got no suggestion there either.

Sorry for not being much help on those

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Sorry for getting back to you late bro, i purchased 2 cables they work so great! the mini usb cable looks like the one came with the

s601 It's a Dynex DX-C102201 Mini-B USB Cable. Oh and the TV Out Cable, Dingoo USA sells replacement TV out cables and

they are longer! if you ever wanted one bro checkout And anyone else out there reading this thread you can go there and get a TV-OUT Cable if you needed one. I've been watching youtube videos, how do i make the icons smaller

so i dont have to view all apps. This guy in the video was showing it off and a transparent dialog box rested on the side, is there an option somewhere on the JXD to enable viewing icons that way?