Just a cool Idea to dominate the world with arcade machines and be rich


Nov 17, 2012
Well Imagine if you could get the money to buy like lots of neat arcade machines and put them in a saloon NEAR A SCHOOL with it's own litle  bar and stuff if we could afford....  Then you would be making money earning cash like the way you spend water!!! Then you would be sucessfull and open more arcade sallons near schools all over the country then the world and then.....everything! PLUS ARCADE CULTURE WOULD REBORN  AND ARCADES FROM JAPAN WOULD START TO BECOME LOCALISED!!!! what a great idea :3

What do u guys think of it? XD

BTW I thought of this with a friend by passing through an arcade sallon that was closed and it was full of good stuff like sega rally; time cryssis; virtua cop and 90s and early 2000s arcades turned off, waiting to be played and robbed by us :P
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As a highschool student that is supposed to be your target market, I can say that you probably wouldnt get a lot of customers. Unless you have the latest games the day they come out and chwrge little to no money to play, you wont have many people interested. Kids of today want blackops and GTA not SNES or NeoGeo games
Well my intention would be to keep it cheap I wouldn't want to spend lot's of money plus the arcade era is dead in everywhere (except Japan) and entusiasts and I bet highscolers that wanna spend a good time playing arcade games for cheap they  would pretty much acept this kind of thing. I would ;)
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Sounds a nice dream but not likely eh. like that one you and your mate walked past .... closed.

Same everywhere I reckon, very sad to say.

RIP Playworld - my old local haunt

Someone tried to start one up again in the same shopping center above the market, where Playworld was, but this got denied



P.C. Braganza had lived in the area for manyyears and has full knowledge of the problems that persist there. He added that in his youth he used to frequent ‘Playworld’ an amusement arcade that previously existed in Edmonton Green and was aware of the type of activities, such as drug dealing that occurred there;
Sounds a nice dream but not likely eh. like that one you and your mate walked past .... closed.

Same everywhere I reckon, very sad to say.

RIP Playworld - my old local haunt

Someone tried to start one up again in the same shopping center above the market, where Playworld was, but this got denied



P.C. Braganza had lived in the area for manyyears and has full knowledge of the problems that persist there. He added that in his youth he used to frequent ‘Playworld’ an amusement arcade that previously existed in Edmonton Green and was aware of the type of activities, such as drug dealing that occurred there;
but it was in an uninteristing place where only junkies and oldies pass through to catch the bus or the train and mainly that kind of people, not potential gaming consumer, no wonder that no one cares about it ...
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What you need to do is make it modern. You need to have Compo4All style score tracking, apps for android, iOS and Pandora that allow you to see your score and see the top rankings, offer prizes and hold regular competitions, offer free classes in Java, C++, HTML, and above all else, take requests. Listen to your customers. never get set in your ways or it will loose business.

Change at least one thing a week. Never let a week pass where something hasnt been tweaked for the better
Not only oldies and crack heads ...you reading that somewhere on that link? :)

It was right above the market, used to get all sorts in there, fruit machines were generally an older crowd, I was in my teens when it was open, but the larger section of the place was games and was always packed out, a lot of us from our school used to go up there.

But even ones like Trocadero in the middle of town which attracts all sorts of people, especially tourists, shut down.

Crime just attracts, at least seems to be the case in this country and I'm sure in most countries, which is why they died out ... apart from perhaps Japan then for whatever reason

Trocadero one actually was lack of profit it seems


That was a massive place, couple of floors full of classics and new simulators, VR headsets when they were new and cropping up.

Think the smaller ones in towns were more likely attracting some levels of crime and residents complain and campaign for closures.

Even when I go to the coasts now, always pop into the arcades but majority are fruit machines and some of those kids machines like roll-the-penny and grabber-toy types ... very few games now, usually just a couple car sims and a couple shooters with gun attachments

Wish there would be a revival though, but as mentioned I think any such thing would more likely be a space full of consoles to play rather than the NEO GEO cabs and the likes
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How about both consoles and both arcades? but with more focus on arcades obviously. with the already mentioned ideas? something would have to come out of it :)
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well dunno it's just a random Idea, but it would be near a school it was the main objective...
Well Imagine if you could get the money to buy like lots of neat arcade machines and put them in a saloon NEAR A SCHOOL with it's own litle  bar and stuff if we could afford....  Then you would be making money earning cash like the way you spend water!!! Then you would be sucessfull and open more arcade sallons near schools all over the country then the world and then.....everything! PLUS ARCADE CULTURE WOULD REBORN  AND ARCADES FROM JAPAN WOULD START TO BECOME LOCALISED!!!! what a great idea :3

What do u guys think of it? XD

BTW I thought of this with a friend by passing through an arcade sallon that was closed and it was full of good stuff like sega rally; time cryssis; virtua cop and 90s and early 2000s arcades turned off, waiting to be played and robbed by us :P
Nice idea and I would say you go try open one for yourself and come back here to report progress.  See how it goes.... :)
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dead in everywhere (except Japan)
Oh, it's mostly dead in Japan, don't kid yourself by what you read on Kotaku or garbage blogs like that. There's very few titles coming out, and many arcade centers are closing.

Just saw a 30 years old arcade in Shibuya last week that had just closed. It's not a good sign.
Well Imagine if you could get the money to buy like lots of neat arcade machines and put them in a saloon NEAR A SCHOOL with it's own litle  bar and stuff if we could afford....  Then you would be making money earning cash like the way you spend water!!! Then you would be sucessfull and open more arcade sallons near schools all over the country then the world and then.....everything! PLUS ARCADE CULTURE WOULD REBORN  AND ARCADES FROM JAPAN WOULD START TO BECOME LOCALISED!!!! what a great idea :3

What do u guys think of it? XD

BTW I thought of this with a friend by passing through an arcade sallon that was closed and it was full of good stuff like sega rally; time cryssis; virtua cop and 90s and early 2000s arcades turned off, waiting to be played and robbed by us :P
Dude, think it through for just 3 seconds.

Every arcade has died, barring just a couple. Every new arcade in the last 20 years has died and lost the owner his shirt. Its a dead business right now, essentially. (There are exceptions .. the hot tourist spots, and in the back of movie theatres and other well trafficked areas can get a few bites (back of a pub, but thats usually a lame golf game.); these places are already 'routed' by big conglomerates or well established local players.. and they're annoying kid/family safe places, not anything like arcades used to be.)

Quote a few of us are big arcade gearheads; I know a few operators, and nearly went that route myself for lulz, but you just can't pull it off; you'll lose your shirt. The only way to do it is like a museum.. just for fun. Theres no money. If there was, peopel would do it.. its not exactly a new business.

BTW, _every_ arcade was across from a school, or a church, or well traficked area like a pizza place or pub. That was the whole business.. grab a pizza slice and sit at a cocktail and play, or sneak out of school for a couple hours to burn your lunch money. The ops.. they know, they're not stupid, it was _business_ for them :)

I do like the idea of a modern arcade though. You'll probably loose a lot of money, but it would be cool to play games (like GTA V) that are only available on console