Jumping cursor with touchscreen under Slackware.


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
Sometimes, the cursor jumps to the top left corner of the screen when i'm manipulating particular things on the screen.

Things like a scrollbar, an object in Thunar, a slider, the menu's up and down, so it's not a hardware or a calibration problem (same behavior on my two units).

As i've no idea about where to begin (gtk bug ?), i'm asking there.

I noticed that a few days ago 'cause i'm using the touchscreen for my work.
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Tslib is installed, but not xf86-input-tslib as it crash the 14.0.

I use evdev for X.
Sounds like a bug in xf86-input-evdev or something above it, just checked and the kernel is not returning "jumping" coordinates (you can test kernel events with beagleboard.googlecode.com/files/evtest.c , compile and run "evtest /dev/input/touchscreen" or similar).
Yup, also thought that because only special events make it jump.

Are Xfce sliders and so on handled by gtk+, gtk+2 ?
I had that sometimes too,but when i clean the Screen with a soft cleaning Tool,

press i while i cleaning the cleaning Tool bit harder on the Touchscreen.

After 2-3 Times Cleaning like that work my Touchscreen again normal.

Had the same Problem with my Rebirth Pandora and it seem that the Touchscreen Foil was not right on the Display.

My golden Rebirth work now normal again.

Press with the Touchpen not too less on the Screen,then can that happen too.

give it a Try ^_^
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