Jump To The Moon


Sep 3, 2006

We just published our first title for the Caanoo: Jump to the Moon!

Enjoy this free game inspired to the popular iPhone app Doodle Jump, featuring exclusive gameplay additions.

Jump to the Moon uses the Caanoo's G-sensor: your little cosmonaut jumps from platforms to platforms while
you tilt the console to give him a general direction.


The goal is the reach the moon... And then jump even higher in outer space!
Publish your top scores online to get featured in the game leaderboards!

Jump to the Moon page at caou.org: http://www.caou.org/jumptothemoon

Download it on FunGP or on the mirrored link at the OpenHandhelds Caanoo File Archive

A game published by caou.org.
this game looks really nice! well polished. did you do all by yourself? or did you have anyone helping with the graphics?
Yeah I really did not give this game much credit, but after playing it for awhile...it's great fun and very addicting.

I would just like to know how long it takes to update the highscores...I post a score of 18006, but it hasn't shown up yet :/

And I finally got a higher score on the Hard, 17,143 on Hard. I love this game :D
Thanks everyone for their support :)

We're so happy you guys enjoy the game!

to Crow_riot
>> Yeah, as it was a small project, I worked alone on the game, apart from the Sound Effects.

to Nunez
>> Thanks for pointing this out! I should now be fixed, you can submit them again. Nice ones by the way ;)

We were not expecting players to reach so high scores so quickly !

See more screenshots at www.caanoo-news.com.
Just downloaded and played... wow... really really cool man. Love it.
Great job getting the leaderboards to work! I think that is one of the games best points, and if you develop anything more, please make sure to add scoring like you did to this. The system works great and is very easily accessible. I think more games should use this sort of method. It would be cool if you could add more game modes, maybe the original could be like survival, but another mode could have levels....something to that extent. Maybe add some more planets that are higher also...I get bored when I get passed the moon...was hoping at 30,000 I would see mars or something :P
kouky said:
to Crow_riot
>> Yeah, as it was a small project, I worked alone on the game, apart from the Sound Effects.

pretty cool, indeed. i never managed to get something nice, i usually have place holder graphics to be filled by someone who knows what he does :)
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This game is sooo good we're trying to do a Caanoo Communities Championship ;) http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/58158-caanoo-communities-championship/

If you're interested, sign in.
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Hey, once again: Thanks!

Are you going to update this? I have a few suggestions/questions:
- The game gets a little boring after the moon. What about other planets, aliens, metroids from the side...?
- The score box is to small after a certain(10k?) score.
- What about a bigger attention-mark when meteroids arrive? The current one is sometimes not very eyecatching...
- Are you going to GPL this?

Anyway, great game. Submitting highscores is a nice feature. :)

I have some plans to update the game to fill up the sky with new elements.

We were not expecting players to score so high!

The current #1 top score is 114103, crazy!
I gotta say, this is really nice stuff, I prefer this to doodle jump since it doesn't go crazy with having to shoot at enemies on screen or anything, and I love that you can get second chances with the rocket fuel, the game doesn't have to end too soon!

There's two things I'd like to see though.
First is that you can wrap around the screen like in doodle jump, going off the left side puts you on the right side.
The second is sensitivity settings, the tilt works very nicely, but sometimes I'd like it to be a bit more responsive, so I don't have to tilt as much.

Otherwise, really great stuff, in a pinch I think I'll play this often!

Oh by the way, there's a funny glitch you can do, before you lift off, just tilt the system and watch your character turn upside down and cropped off. :)