Joystick Repair


oh em gee
Nov 15, 2005
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the stick on my 2x broke somehow, it got stuck and wouldnt move, so i pressed it down and turned it and then it worked..but it was really floppy and loose, and then kept getting stuck all the time and then got really loose and spinned around when i used it so i sent it back to GBAX to get repaired or whatnot.

basically just wondering this happened to anyone else and what can i expect they'll do? will they replace the stick or give me a new 2x? i'd rather keep mine and get the stick replaced cause my screen is perfect and has no visible scanlines... dont want a dreaded MK2(3?)
Did you ever get a fix? I'm in the US and this happened to my son's gp2x, and I've been unable to figure out how to get it repaired. Even though it is older and he is into DS, etc, I hate to discard it! Thanks
This is a common problem, the stick is just dislocated, you should be able to push it back into position.
I think the motion to get it back in is to rotate while pressing.
Epic gravedig.
But yeah, this happened to mine. As Pickle said, you just need to rotate it a few times whilst it's clicked in ('stick-click').