Janet Jackson At Superbowl

I missed the half-time show but heard about what happend. I thoughtu her actual nipple was exposed. Why is that it had to be blurred out when it was on the news? No nipple was actually exposed, so it's ok. I remember for some award show, like the Emmy's or Grammy's or something, one of the women wore a dress that exposed one of her breasts entirely except for the nipple.
Esn posted on Feb 4 2004 at 08:27 AM said:
...and yet this nudity will go on, but not a hentai game.

Right. Anyone else find it strange that animated nudity is considered to be more offensive on this board than actual nudity? <_<
Animated nudity offends me more than actual nudity! :P
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*Checks for Fark photoshop*


Got nothin'. Just 3 seperate news threads :)

Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares.

Heres a rather large little mega massive tiny weeny incredibly fucking oversized microscopic commentary from one of my favourite comedians, Joe Rogan:

Oh, the outrage…
Monday, February 02, 2004 11:34 pm - JoeRogan

I didn’t watch the super bowl (oh, the horror) but I got home and everyone was talking about Janet Jackson pulling out her tittie during the halftime show.
Now, initially I thought that it was just some quick slip out or something, but when I checked the internet there was actually pictures of her with a boob out and her nipple covered in a something that looked like a pastie.
Then I dug a little further, and I saw that it actually WAS her nipple, with some sort of a metal ornament around it.

I looked at it and thought:
“Wow. That was pretty bold… I guess. Whatever.”

That was it. That was all I thought about it, until I heard the outcry.
I first read about it on the “drudge report” site, and I was really taken aback. I didn’t believe it was real. I couldn’t believe people we’re really that upset with it.
The headlines were something about CBS exposing Janet’s breast during the “Dinner Hour,” carefully worded to imply the impact it could have on wholesome families that could be negatively effected if they accidentally saw a nice tit on TV while tuning in to the “family” programming of some of the largest, most violent men on the fucking planet colliding with each other over a ball.

Why, what would junior think if he saw that? An actual part of a human body on television!! That’s insane!! A nipple? Are you fucking serious? The actual body part where milk comes out to feed babies? HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! That could scar him for life!!

I mean, I know he’s going to see a woman’s nipple EVENTUALLY, but ideally that will be on his wedding night, and it will be the nipple of the woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with!

“Dear CBS,
My 3 year old was watching the game with us, and that black tit popped out, he leapt out of his mother’s arms and knocked himself unconscious slamming his mouth into the TV trying to suck on it! Thanks a lot, CBS!! Thanks to you and your filthy little halftime show, my little Billy is a retard!”

Headlines read:

“CBS halftime makes retards out of good children.”

“My little Tony was in all advanced classes, but after that CBS halftime show, now all he does is sit around with his hand down his pants, sucking on his thumb saying, “Miss Jackson if your nasty.” It’s horrible. We were sure he was going to be president some day, but now we’re not even sure if he’ll ever be potty trained.”

Bill O’Reilly will be on the fox news channel saying, while he supports the cause of young people from this country going halfway around the world and killing people they don’t know, he feels very strongly that the government should ban black tits on television for the sake of the children.

More headlines read:

Today at the white house, in a surprise move, the government has stepped in and imposed the highest fine in the history of broadcasting on CBS.
The president has decided that because of the harm CBS has done by showing a bare black tit on television, he will confiscate the station and that the government will now run CBS, and use it to “Promote “Family Values™” and to “Fight Evil.™””

This will be the beginning of what the people in the future will refer to as the “Dark Years.”

12 months after the government takes over CBS, there is a terrorist attack at NBC. Islamic fundamentalists break into NBC, kill everyone that works there and broadcast hardcore interracial porn over our nations airwaves right when everyone tunes in for “Friends.”

That night… in one of our nation’s greatest tragedies, 200,000 white men take their own lives.

One survivor tells his tale:

“I couldn’t believe it was on, and so I was watching it, thinking they’re gonna shut it off soon… but nope. It stayed on for the whole fucking hour. I couldn’t believe it.
There was this one scene, where Lexington Steele is getting his 14” cock sucked by three of the hottest white chicks I’ve ever seen in my life, and I just hear fucking guns going off left and right. Really, it sounded like the fucking forth of July out there.
Dudes just couldn’t take it, I guess. To be quite honest, when those 3 girls, I’m talking girls that probably wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire… when they was on their knees begging for that big spook to cum in their face… I seriously thought about taking my own life. I really did. But then I thought about my little Tommy that’s been retarded since the super bowl, and I somehow came up with the strength to put the gun down. I’m everything to that kid.”

The president calls an emergency press conference to face the nation regarding this terrible event.
He vows that the “Forces of Good™” will prevail over “Forces of Evil ™,”
And that the government will now take over NBC and rename it to GBS, short for God’s Broadcasting Station. This will show the terrorists that nothing they do can shake our “Faith™”.

God’s Broadcasting Network will go online one week later, and feature nothing but Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, Country music videos, and the occasional Ted Nugent hunting show.

One year after God’s Broadcasting Network begins to air, Aliens from 10 different galaxies land on Earth and decide to kill all the humans off and start the experiment over again with a new formula. Let’s infuse the chimps with 3% Alien DNA and see if that works better…

But please, stop me here. That’s wishful thinking.

I seriously have to think that if there are any advanced Alien civilizations out there monitoring us, at this point they HAD to have given up by now. I mean, it’s pretty obvious we’re not really getting any smarter.

This little experiment has clearly failed.

It’s been almost 57 years since the Roswell UFO crash, pot is still illegal even though it kills no one, yet Cigarettes are legal even though they kill 417,000 every year, Tommy Chong is locked in a cage for selling bongs, the president is a warmonger that dodged the draft, and the nation is “outraged” that someone showed a breast on television during our most violent national pastime?

Seriously? This is where the humans are in 2004?


What a fucking outrage.
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Feb 4 2004 at 02:31 PM said:
One year after God’s Broadcasting Network begins to air, Aliens from 10 different galaxies land on Earth and decide to kill all the humans off and start the experiment over again with a new formula. Let’s infuse the chimps with 3% Alien DNA and see if that works better…
XD that is the best thing i ever read, he has the most valid point i have ever seen for the idiocy of the word :D
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Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares.

Had this happened back in the '50s or earlier, people would have been prophesizing the end of the world as a result of that kind of smut being openly broadcasted to whomever might be there to watch it. But what the fuck! Let's just desensitize our youth and watch our whole fucking society get flushed down the shitter and then 50 years from now, all these soon-to-be potheads who's elders said "Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares" will be wondering why everything has fallen to pieces. It's not just a "fucking tit". It's part of a mass demoralization that includes seemingly small incidents such as this which accumulate and before we know it, we have no morale standards because it has been done so slowly. Also, Bill O'Reily is the type of person that makes strong countries like the United States and Great Britain what they are. You are just the type of ignorant imbicile thats destroys every morale standard that upstanding citizens try to follow and negatively influences our youth and will ultimately bring the downfall of our society. But what the hell, it's just a tit. Right?
Ok, I believe censorship sucks and that nudity shouldn't be such a big thing to people. But even I believe such a display of nudity was stupid. It was during the Super Bowl, not something where mostly adults watch like the Grammy's or some lame-ass primetime show. There are lines that do not need to be crossed during certain points in time. Nudity during the Super Bowl is one of them. The Super Bowl is something that I believe should be kept free from such useless filth.

But you also have to understand, starwarsnerd, there's a lot of other countries where there aren't the same rules of censorship when it comes to nudity. It's not like they're better or worse for not having such restrictions, just that it's a different society they live in. Some people don't understand the restrictions on nudity that the US has. In Japan there's plenty of television shows that have nudity and all that. We don't here. Nudity won't be the end of the world, unless you actually believe that 'God needs to make all us sinners pay'. Sorry, just a joke.

I guess really one nipple isn't such a bad thing. But we've already had to see guys' asses on TV, 'bout time we see some nekkid females.
Yes, but you can understand how it is possible that those countries could be viewed as more moraly "loose". And my main comparison was not that of one country to another but instead to the society that we had 60 or 70 years ago to today's. There is no one event that defines what is causing decreased morality but instead small hardly noticeable things such as this that slowly deteriorate our society. And, some people are willing to stand idly by and watch the whole thing go downhill with thier heads up thier asses. TMCXW (a network movie channel) has recently started showing what would basically appear to be a series that contains a LOT of hardcore pornography. This is strange to me since I didn't even know it was allowed but this at least can be regulated but the Super Bowl is a family event that shouldn't be stained with this type of thing.

But we've already had to see guys' asses on TV

Rob Schneider as "The Sensitive Naked Man" on Saturday Night Live. :blink: :angry: :blink:
starwarsnerd posted on Feb 5 2004 at 01:21 AM said:

Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares.

Had this happened back in the '50s or earlier, people would have been prophesizing the end of the world as a result of that kind of smut being openly broadcasted to whomever might be there to watch it. But what the fuck! Let's just desensitize our youth and watch our whole fucking society get flushed down the shitter and then 50 years from now, all these soon-to-be potheads who's elders said "Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares" will be wondering why everything has fallen to pieces. It's not just a "fucking tit". It's part of a mass demoralization that includes seemingly small incidents such as this which accumulate and before we know it, we have no morale standards because it has been done so slowly. Also, Bill O'Reily is the type of person that makes strong countries like the United States and Great Britain what they are. You are just the type of ignorant imbicile thats destroys every morale standard that upstanding citizens try to follow and negatively influences our youth and will ultimately bring the downfall of our society. But what the hell, it's just a tit. Right?
wow. female breasts on TV -----------> the demoralisation of a nation.

nah. they've already gone, you dingweed, and boobies ain't nothing to do with it.
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There is no one event that defines what is causing decreased morality but instead small hardly noticeable things such as this that slowly deteriorate our society.

It's a neverending cycle. The Greeks were extremely "tolerant" (their army had a special unit that was called a "Holy Band" consisting entirely of homosexual lovers), the 2000 years after were extremely "intolerant", and now we're moving around to square 1 again.
starwarsnerd posted on Feb 5 2004 at 01:21 AM said:

Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares.

Had this happened back in the '50s or earlier, people would have been prophesizing the end of the world as a result of that kind of smut being openly broadcasted to whomever might be there to watch it. But what the fuck! Let's just desensitize our youth and watch our whole fucking society get flushed down the shitter and then 50 years from now, all these soon-to-be potheads who's elders said "Wait, its just a fucking tit. Who the fuck cares" will be wondering why everything has fallen to pieces. It's not just a "fucking tit". It's part of a mass demoralization that includes seemingly small incidents such as this which accumulate and before we know it, we have no morale standards because it has been done so slowly. Also, Bill O'Reily is the type of person that makes strong countries like the United States and Great Britain what they are. You are just the type of ignorant imbicile thats destroys every morale standard that upstanding citizens try to follow and negatively influences our youth and will ultimately bring the downfall of our society. But what the hell, it's just a tit. Right?
Christian morals are made up. I have no idea how showing a breast on TV is going to lead to the downfall of human civilization. Christianity maybe, but the world would be better for it.

Back in the 50s, people would have been prophesizing that letting black people into school would be the end of the world, and that letting those savages being educated would be a waste of government money.

My dad works in a pornography store. I've seen goatse more times than I can care to count. Yep, it has probably desensitised me, since I dont go "URGH YUCKY YUCKY YUCK" at the picture anymore, but has that made me any less of a person? Does it make me want to rape and murder people? I'm still against the death penalty under all circumstances.

My moral values are the same as they have always been. Christian moral standards are derived from a book with no references, no proof, no scientific backing. A book that can be interpreted to kill people.

Why are you so afraid of pornography, and not about a game of football, which has killed and injured so many people in the past due to its very violent nature? Why do christian morals despise sex and not violence, when violence is so much more harmful to society? I'm not saying that they should ban football, I'm just pointing out how fucked up your bullshit morals are. Many African tribes have bare breasted women, how does that affect the children in those tribes? IT DOESN'T! IT IS NORMAL TO THEM!

Athiests aren't emotionless zombies, we have feelings too, we stand for what we beleive in, yet we dont beleive in any peice of fictional literature that contains any moral code. So how am I able to have any kind of morals? Because you learn them from life experiences! NOT FROM A FUCKING STORY BOOK.

Remember, humans have always been the same. People that say "Oh, back in my day, kids used to be well behaved and suck the dicks of their religious leaders if told to" are full of fucking shit. Violence has always been around us. Sex has always been around us. Prostitution as well. Why do you think that prostituion is often called "the oldest profession in the world"? Because it IS.

Religion is the cause of the downfall of society if anything. The dark ages, early America, all of the hatred and murder at these times was caused by religous values. Terrorism is a problem nowadays? A major cause of death and greif? Religion is the cause of that.

Get it into your thick skull that your beleifs are in the minority. Christianity isnt the largest religion in the world.
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Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Feb 5 2004 at 03:58 PM said:
Sex has always been around us. Prostitution as well. Why do you think that prostituion is often called "the oldest profession in the world"? Because it IS.
heh heh thats very true. when some scientist intoduced currency into a monkey colony the ended up using it for prostitution.
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