for american football try the Madden series of games on SNES (with os9xgp) and for english football try International Superstar Soccer Deluxe also on SNES.
well the absolute best football game i've played is College Footballs National Champions for the Genesis, but I've got the FGen beta and its very slow, also, I can't get any of the maddens to work on opensnes9x. So i'm stuck with Tecmo SuperBowl on Little John
On which EMU is Super Play Pro Action Football available?
Thanks for your answers! I think Madden would be great. I've just bought the 2k4 version for the xbox and this game really kicks a...
OK, Axeman that point goes to you!
But besides playing at a small team here in Germany I've got to play on a console to fulfill me demand for Football! Postseason is near and it's going to be a tough time till September!