Jaguar Emulator??


Still Fresh
Dec 17, 2005
Just seen this in the archive:

Virtual Jaguar x2
A gp2x port of the Atari Jaguar emulator - Virtual Jaguar. This is a first release, just to get a feel for things - it's EXCEPTIONALLY slow (around 4FPS)

And I thought people said it would never happen... Still no good games for it!
Just seen this in the archive:

Virtual Jaguar x2
A gp2x port of the Atari Jaguar emulator - Virtual Jaguar. This is a first release, just to get a feel for things - it's EXCEPTIONALLY slow (around 4FPS)

And I thought people said it would never happen... Still no good games for it!

if the 4fps come about without overclocking, the engine is not slow!!! think of the first release of the playstation-emu. ;)
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Tempest 2000 and defender where the best reasons for owning a Jag besides the A v P. At the time, I picked all of this up out of a bargain bin. I love bargain bins. For the other games look in the Worse Games of all time thread. :o
I own a Jag. I think Tempest 2000 is the best reason to own one, providing you have a rotary controller (dang, spinning that knob is fun). Otherwise, it's AVP. Raiden for the Jag looks and plays like a Genesis game, but it sure is fun. I can't put it down for a long time once I've started. Highlander looks good, but it's very hard to play, I don't like it that much. Blue Lightning isn't that good. Flashback is pretty good on the Jag, looks the same as the other versions, but has more video. Cybermorph is fun sometimes. Checkered Flag is incredibly difficult to control, plus the graphics are very choppy, but I love it. Brett Hull Hockey is fun in 2-player mode, but not against the computer. Plus there are unreleased games getting released and homebrew releases fairly often for a console considered by most to be dead. I love my Jaguar.
Me and my cousin would play this game all the time on the jag, i forget the name of it. There is red or blue ship. Its a verticle airplane shooter, red/blue upgrades

Blue has beamish types, red has spreadshot types...

What was it called?
Hi all, first post on the forums. Just wanted to name the best Jaguar games in no particular order:

Tempest 2000 (w/ rotary controller)
Aliens Vs. Predator
Iron Soldier 2 (also on CD)
BattleMorph (CD only)
BattleSphere (commercial game finished after Jaguar's death)

I think an emulator would be worth it just for these. The Jaguar usually has a bad rep, but some really excellent games were made for it. One problem with the emulator might be the Jag's 17-button controller :)

Btw, check out for more info on the Jaguar homebrew scene.
PSyMastR: Raiden

It's also on PC Engine, MAME, and other consoles.
The Jaguar version is one of the best home ports of Raiden... it even beats out the Playstation version.

I'm a big Jaguar fan myself, so I'm really looking forward to future releases of this emulater... although I really doubt it'll get as much support and attention as the Playstation emu.

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Btw, check out for more info on the Jaguar homebrew scene.

I don't really like AA's Jaguar board that much... Although the good source (Sector II) does require membership and some level of post count before you get access to anything good, so I can see why AA would be a good mention on a board such as this.
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