I've Just Ordered My F200 From Gp2x.co.uk

Gavin said:
DaveC said:
Vince2501 said:
Question for DEVS: Would the touchscreen serve any kind of purpose? I don't see it working too well for FPS, and nothing else aside from PDA features.
How about mouse control for computer emus like Atari-ST? How about virtual on-screen keyboards? Those would be much better and easier to use with a touchscreen too.

Woo.....mine is ordered! roll on undisclosed launch date :-)

also, the reason i look forward to Touch screen will be awsome Scummvm gaming....Sam and Max

So when is this coming out its October now!
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Just ordered one myself. So sooooo tempted by all the Emulators etc. Downloaded loads for the GP2x F100(??? I think). Will they work ok?

Any ideas of when it will be released?
What is with the touchscreen hate? Seriously pick up a PocketPC or a Palm and you will see how a touchscreen is the best thing that could happen to the GP2X.
Vilmos said:
What is with the touchscreen hate? Seriously pick up a PocketPC or a Palm and you will see how a touchscreen is the best thing that could happen to the GP2X.
Touchscreen could be good with a working DS emu that supports the F200. I'm sure it would be useful for business types of appz, like a scheduling calendar and whatever. Hmm... I was thinking of getting a GP2X priced cheap on ebay before I found out about the F200. Still may or may not get the last one instead of this F200 just for budget reasons. I'm still not sure yet though, so I might wait and save up instead. Besides, I like that it supports SDHC cards that are 8-32gbs. Better support for ISOs from Sega CD, 3DO, PSX, PS2, etc.... gp32_console :wub: :gp2x :unsure: gp32_console I can't decide....uh oh....
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You should really do some reading before spending money on the GP2X as a means of emulating the DS and PS2...
Alex. said:
You should really do some reading before spending money on the GP2X as a means of emulating the DS and PS2...
That would be Alex's way of saying, "There will never be a good emulator for any systems that you mentioned just now.".

Don't even get this thing if that's what you're planning on waiting for. It will never happen! Maybe some slightly ok psx, but there will never be a good sega cd or 3do emulator. And THERE, most definitely, WILL NOT BE A PS2 EMULATOR!!!!!!!!!!!! That's gonna happen when I get struck twice in the ass by lightning on the same day that I win the lottery. ;)

Good luck. Maybe you should wait until the psp2 comes out within a couple years. There is more of a chance that the next psp will have enough processing power for what you want.
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Just going to wait and see what flaws it has before I decide to buy. No real reason to rush into a purchase unless the new dpad actually works properly...

As someone else said, it's just a cash cow.
OMars said:
Alex. said:
You should really do some reading before spending money on the GP2X as a means of emulating the DS and PS2...
That would be Alex's way of saying, "There will never be a good emulator for any systems that you mentioned just now.".

Don't even get this thing if that's what you're planning on waiting for. It will never happen! Maybe some slightly ok psx, but there will never be a good sega cd or 3do emulator. And THERE, most definitely, WILL NOT BE A PS2 EMULATOR!!!!!!!!!!!! That's gonna happen when I get struck twice in the ass by lightning on the same day that I win the lottery. ;)

Good luck. Maybe you should wait until the psp2 comes out within a couple years. There is more of a chance that the next psp will have enough processing power for what you want.

No... it's not as though there's a perfectly good Sega CD emulator out now, and it's called Picodrive... right?
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Vince2501 said:
Question for DEVS: Would the touchscreen serve any kind of purpose? I don't see it working too well for FPS, and nothing else aside from PDA features.
Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe

The touch screen is the single largest step for the GP2X in approaching my personal (imaginary) perfect handheld. The device that I speak of lies somewhere between the GP2X, Nokia 770, PSP, NDS, and Sony Mylo. After a touch screen my next want is built in wifi, OR a thumb keyboard.
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Goity said:
OMars said:
Alex. said:
You should really do some reading before spending money on the GP2X as a means of emulating the DS and PS2...
That would be Alex's way of saying, "There will never be a good emulator for any systems that you mentioned just now.".

Don't even get this thing if that's what you're planning on waiting for. It will never happen! Maybe some slightly ok psx, but there will never be a good sega cd or 3do emulator. And THERE, most definitely, WILL NOT BE A PS2 EMULATOR!!!!!!!!!!!! That's gonna happen when I get struck twice in the ass by lightning on the same day that I win the lottery. ;)

Good luck. Maybe you should wait until the psp2 comes out within a couple years. There is more of a chance that the next psp will have enough processing power for what you want.

No... it's not as though there's a perfectly good Sega CD emulator out now, and it's called Picodrive... right?

Up until this point I thought that is was an OK emulator. I didn't realize it was that good. :blink:
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Vince2501 said:
Question for DEVS: Would the touchscreen serve any kind of purpose? I don't see it working too well for FPS, and nothing else aside from PDA features.
There's many things one can do with it. Like for example in my game znax (if u tried it). it would play a hell of a lot faster when being used with a touchscreen. now u have to move with the cursor to the "piece/block" u want to select other wise u could have just "touched" the screen with the stylus to select a block without having to go through all of the blocks / pieces u don't want to select which u have to do if u play with the joystick

In my upcomming game it can be used as well. What i did there is if you touch a piece with the stylus (currently being the mouse as a test on windows). and while u touch it u move the stylus over the screen in a certain direction and release it the piece would move into that direction. "So u basicly drag the piece around". I handle this with just a mouse down / mouse up event. and check the previous point with the new point to know the direction.

another thing highscore / name entering could be made a hell of a lot easier u just display the whole alphabet on screen an let the user click (/touch the screen) on the letters u want to have.

just a few examples, i'm sure there are more uses to it.

But we'll all have to wait to see what kind of games will come (/be invented) to play with the stylus.
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The touchscreen adds an excellent input device for gaming. No it won't help with FPS but I don't think the GP2X controls handle FPS either, it certainly couldn't do any worse.

Go take a look at something like PalmGear and look at all the games in there. Almost all of them use the touchscreen. Porting PalmOS games to GP2X would be a snap once there is a touchscreen. PocketPC games would likely be easy as well, but my specialty is in PalmOS so I can't speak to PocketPC as much.