look at my awesome win2k

yeah I got bored w/ objectbar and iconx :P
very original :P

what that wallpaper is awesome


ObjectBar is awesome
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Im looking for a really slick, eye-candy-fified skin/dock/whatever set up that I can show off to all my mates!

Any suggestions?
yes, get a life.

Get yourself a copy of Object Desktop which allows you to set up stupid widgets everywhere, reskin your windows, and add a dock. Or the free option is Litestep and hacking uxtheme.dll but be prepared as it takes more effort.
awh fuck, i was trying to avoid answering the email as my mind has deserted me, i'll have a think and see if i remember!

i've changed from that one now as it was great for eye candy but that was about it!

i currently employ a very basic object dock filled with nearly 40 icons, i rarely press start these days.

let me see what i can do...

the skinning utilitiy is called aston shell, the theme i used was called insignia, it takes a while to mess about with and eventually sort out but the results are worth it if you want to really mark yourself out as someone who spends too much time in the company of an electric box.

theme is about halfway down on this page: Aston Shell - Insignia
Here's me with my new dock, skin, winamp skin and trillian skin:

A full revamps feels great!

Ps: Thanks Klown ;)
EDIT: I hate that bastard dog, tis a spyware called cashback.