Issue with connecting to router


Still Fresh
Jul 31, 2013
United States
I recently got my Pandora and I'm loving it, but I'd like to connect it to the Internet. My dad helped me (he's experienced with computers and Linux) but we ran into trouble. For our router security, we have a hidden SSID and whatever WEP is. My Pandora tried to connect to the router (it even recognized the hidden SSID) but it wouldn't connect at all. I am running kernel 3.2 with 1.54 Super Zaxxon. Could someone please help?

EDIT: Sorry if I'm being a little vague, I may love computers but I'm not as tech savvy as people think I am (I know enough to get by but I wouldn't be able to troubleshoot a computer).
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Use the nubs to right-click on the network applet in the taskbar, and choose "Edit connections". Go to the wireless tab, find the SSID belonging to your router and click "Edit". If it's not there, click 'Add' and enter it manually in the SSID field. Ensure Wireless Security is set to WEP 40/128 and the key is entered (it's probably the one on the back of your router), and in IPv4 Settings, that Method is set to DHCP.

If it fails to connect, open a terminal and type dmesg. The lines at the end starting with "wlan0:" may give some info as to why.
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That being said, I'd recommend having you dad switch the router to use WPA/WPA2 unless there is good reason to use WEP... As I understand it WEP can be broken in seconds. All the existing devices that connect through your wifi network would need to be reconfigured of course but I think it would be worthwhile.

About the only reason I can think of to use WEP these days is if you need to connect a device that doesn't support the stronger encryption protocols. (like the Nintendo DS for example)

- Neelix
maybe your pass/key has special characters? try with only "simple" characters to see if it connects.
Haven't tried any of those yet, my dad's been quite busy (he's the one who set up the security so I need him in order to do this). I'll post again once we do this.
For some reason I can connect to the router through a WLAN adapter for my Wii U, but not the WLAN USB adapter that came with my Pandora, nor can I connect through the built-in WiFi driver.
Problem solved! The USB Wifi thing fixed it. Connected on the first try. Now my dad is asking me about antivirus software for the Pandora. Anyone know of anything good?
To scan Windows computers via the Pandora? 

If you are talking about the Pandora itself I don't think you have to worry, There really isn't much targeting X86 Linux let alone ARM Linux which is even rarer.  I don't think there are any ARM based virus scan programs out there. You could try to compile Clamav from the source code, but that's a challenging route.
I'm not skilled enough at programming to do that (yet) but after reading other threads it sounds like there's probably nothing to worry about unless I download something bad (and even then it wouldn't affect anything unless I put it on another computer), which most likely wouldn't happen since I wouldn't be downloading much of anything onto my Pandora. Thanks though.