for once, i agree with mattmagoo. LHC you are indeed being a tosser. if everyone supported the i-dont-give-a-damn-about-anyone-but-me attitude you seem to be promoting, wouldnt be much of a world would it. so your saying youve never received any help, financially or otherwise, from anyone (african or otherwise). did you deserve that help? did you really DESERVE it. they didnt have to help you out. it was there time (and we all know time=money) and energy they were wasting, that they earned (of a fashion)shit, people on this board dont have to help one another out. and that my friend is the aim of charity : to help those who have less. and i hate to tell you this, but there were starving africans BEFORE 9/11, and chairtys set up to help them before 9/11 to. all 9/11 did was bring them to the front of the media. also, giving to bands that need it but arent given coverage? NEED it? whats that all about? why do they NEED it. if they NEED money, go work at burger king. they choose there jobs, the africans didnt. basically, what im saying is this: from the posts you have made on this topic alone, i think your a cock.