Recovering Jerk-A-Holic
How big does all this useless crap make the forums? I hope text is compressed, or just the enormous bandwidth consumed by my adding to this useless crap will surely hurt the bandwidth.TelcoLou posted on Aug 17 2006 at 10:29 AM said:"Leeeeroy ... Jenkins!!!!!!!!!1one"
So, yeah, why don't mods close it once it gets full o crap, or merge all the GBA Emu???!?!?~!?!!11 topics into one super topic that eats all the other topics.
I think at the bare minimum there needs to be a huge thing you can't miss on the front page, AKA GBA EMU!! pinned on the front page to draw the newbs like moths to a flame
And maybe make the pinned topics stay down with the real topics, us smart users can change to more topics per page and just ignore the pinned ones. Newbs tend to ignore the stodgy pinned topics because they are older, fooling them into reading them might work.
Just some social engineering type ideas
LOL Telcolou . . . Duhn duhn duhn . . . . Ellipses are fun . . . I need and auto-ellipses key. . . to do them for me all the time. . .
STAR TREK was brought to you today by MiniSkirts, Latex Ears and the ellipses.
Spock . . . . We . . . Have . . . to . . Save . . That-Ship. LOL Shatner could read the ellipses good
(I [personally{mind you}] seem to love these parentheses[All types{Are there more than three??}]
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