Is there a new little john in progress?


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2003
The little john NES emulator was chosen as the best overall snes emulator by the Gp32 ezine. And on the website is says that the author is crrently working on a project but it does not say what about or when its gonna be done. According to the review the emulator is near perfect but could just use a few more things fixed and it would be completley perfect! Does anyone know if the author is going to finish this? He is so close, not to be cynical, but look how advanced snes emulators are, doesnt it seem like an nes emulator should be perfect by now?
Little John is about 95%. It's pretty much 100% speed for every game, There really isn't a whole lot to be worked on. It's for sure one of the best emulators for Gp32, arguably the best period.
Neogenetics posted on Aug 26 2003 said:
The little john NES emulator was chosen as the best overall snes emulator by the Gp32 ezine.
I think you mean NES emulator. I heard that he isn't going to work on a snes emulator.
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Little john needs work on the mappers so more games are supported. thats really about it.

also he ported his emulator he made for the pc called little john to the pc.

There will be no snes emulator made by him. There's a chance but he will be working on the wonderswan emulator next.

I love Little John, its the only emu that runs Fantastic Dizzy smoothly lol :D

one thing i wanna ask the author if he reads this, can he check the game out and see why the bottom of the screen (the inventory/health) isnt visible.... cause it annoys me :P

oh and get Solomons Key working B)

part from that its on par with Fsms32, Castaway and Spaccal as my favourite emus :D
Bonks posted on Aug 27 2003 said:
I love Little John, its the only emu that runs Fantastic Dizzy smoothly lol :D
There's a hole in your bag.
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Little John is really great, but the scrolling isn't as good as fNES32, in some games there are glitches at the edges where you can see tiles being pasted.

ok, so i'm being picky, but it would be nice if that could be cleaned up in a future version
Feeblez posted on Aug 27 2003 said:
Little John is really great, but the scrolling isn't as good as fNES32, in some games there are glitches at the edges where you can see tiles being pasted.

ok, so i'm being picky, but it would be nice if that could be cleaned up in a future version
fNES32 was released??????? :o

dammit thats what happens when you disapear for a month :blink:

whats it like????

Save state?
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ljgp32 is still under dev. but right now I don't have a lot of time to spend on it <_<
anyway I did already correct some bugs of v0.3 (mapper 3, load/savestate pb on some games like tmht, ...) and plan to do a release soon...

I think the v0.4 will be available before end of august and then I'll concentrate
on my *secret* project for a while... :D
Cant wait yoyofr, it really is an awsome emu, dispite fNES32's claims (of which i cant say nowt cause its NOT released :angry: )

who cares, LJ rox :P
Little John is more or less perfect, apart from some minor annoyances (have to change it to "fast" mode each time you start a new game for full screen), it is flawless. Every game I have tried on it has worked without error and at full speed, you cannot ask for more.
Little John is the only NES emu I play because it's updated regularly and there are always big improvements.

yoyofr: I'm wondering where you are from. I've heard you are Japanese but I really don't know if that's true or not. Anyways.. it's off topic
Since the homepage is on a server and he calls himself yoyoFR I guess he is from France.
But don't blame me if I'm wrong ;)
EvilDragon posted on Aug 28 2003 said:
Since the homepage is on a server and he calls himself yoyoFR I guess he is from France.
But don't blame me if I'm wrong ;)
yeah.. thats what I thought, but i remember a long time ago GP32x or GP32emu said that a japanese guy named yoyofr was doing an NES emu.. (just wondering if that was a mistake)
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