Is It Usual...

Alright, thanks. :)

It's working perfectly fine by the way. It took me ages to try finding out where to put the roms (Only to find it's at /usr/local/share/xmame/roms), but just examined the makefile to find the xmame root and everything slotted into place after that.

Also I figured out why I was getting awful sound quality from mp3s. It was to do with the fact that I was running the mp3s off /mnt/cdrom1. I copied them all over to an mp3 folder in /home/matt and everything's perfectly fine now.
PinkSpider posted on May 17 2004 at 01:47 PM said:
Do you have to compile everything for linux?
I wouldnt say you "have" to compile everything. There is a lot of software that comes on precompiled binaries (they usually offer source as well) , but to get the most out of an app you compile it so it is customized to your specific hardware, cpu, and setup, rather than just a general system. You get MUCH faster results like this.

There are precompiled binaries for most of the common programs, many come in the form of an RPM (an installer of sorts), but most people choose to compile from source for the optimisations that they can get from that. Although sometimes the optimisations are not worth the wait, like really doesnt run much faster compiled from source and takes 24 hours to compile (wow), so just downloading the precompiled binaries is fine.

Or if you dont care about optimisations you can download precompiled binaries for nearly everything.

The linux distro I use is entirely compiled from source except the bootstrap. (the precompiled bootstrap was fine for me, they even had one optimised specifically to my CPU, so that was great)

EDIT: Yes Xmame took my AMD Athlon XP 2600 about 45 minutes to make, so it is very usual.
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