is gp32x dead or something


May 9, 2003
Visit site
is gp32x dead or something?
i mean, alot of the stuff in the downloads section is either old, or not even there at all. the doom is old version, quake isnt there etc.
who is incharge of updates?
If i and other can get the code for quake to compile on gcc then we can start working, as im not forking out £10000 to start coding it.
Theres loads of new stuff in the pipeline - theres a huge back catalog of stuff you can try out as well.... have you checked all the Atari ST Disk Images for example?!
I do miss the rumour corner, Hando if you are reading this bring back the rumor corner :)
is gp32x dead or something?
i mean, alot of the stuff in the downloads section is either old, or not even there at all. the doom is old version, quake isnt there etc.
who is incharge of updates?
You found one not updated files for about few dozens of other and this is the reason you says is dead ? People please, think sometimes before you post something stupid like this. Sometimes it happends that some files are missed by an accident or something. Just send an emaail to webmaster with info. You found just one older version of doom and missing quake for a few hundres of files - and this is not a reason for saying "...i mean, alot of the stuff in the downloads section is either old, or not even there at all...".
This is not a COMMERCIAL site and its run by one person with help of other people in news section without any gratifications, just as a hobby project, i put a lot of effort and energy and my free time into this site to make it look proffesionally not just like sucking amateur site with a lot of pop outs and other sucking things - if you dont like it go somewhere else. It is the same situation when you people writes "... Someone sucks because he made not perfect emulator... " (there was some post such like that on this board). I f you dont like it go somewhere else or make your own site/emu etc. And it doesnt mean i dont want to hear critics - its necesary to improve but only when its constructing critics and.
Maybe i will close this site and board and i wont have any problem with complainign people who has problem with finding one file and save some bucks i pay for hosting service. It s really frustrating to hear such a things on such nice sunday.
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For the past 6 months this site has been the best GP32 site period. And its getting better all the time.

Hando there are MANY people here who really appreciate all you have done, don't give it all up because of a few people who want the world on a plate.

But I still want the rumour corner to come back :D
is gp32x dead or something?
i mean, alot of the stuff in the downloads section is either old, or not even there at all. the doom is old version, quake isnt there etc.
who is incharge of updates?
very strange thing to post!!!

have a little faith!
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Hando, This is the premier site for the GP32. I come here at least 20 times at day, even at work (when I am not suppose to). Your site and message boards is all I look foreward too when I come home from work (including my soon to be wife, 12 more days till marriage.) This is THE site to go to for info and ve done a great job and I only hope you do realize how much of an impact its made on the life of my GP32 and others. You've done a great job. KEEP IT UP PLEASE.
I spend a lot of time checking the front page news and reading through the forums. I lose count of the number of times I visit this site per day.
It has the most active forum catering to the GP32 there is. You'll often find the latest releases for projects have their download URLs linked from the news page, or even posted directly in the forums from the actual coders.
What more could you want?
lol, im not saying its a bad site, its the best gp32 site to date, just alot of stuff isnt in the downloads section.
windups 0.2 is alittle outdated

and to be quite honest, i havent tried nearly enough
emus for gp32, but i only have one smc.
Have you found out how to delete stuff off the SMC to make room for other stuff?!
i know how to delete stuff. if i was right next to my computer to tranfer and play diff files all day i wouldnt need a gp32.

so your saying, when im in a car on a long trip, and i get sick of the stuff on there, i can just automatically use my magical powers to transfer the files from my computer back at home to my gp32. if you can do that you will have to teach me sometime.