To wholly understand the problem,check this out:
Now,to compair FireFox and Opera,the difference is that the Fox is fully free and opensource,means that many people work on it,so it evolves much faster,and that considering security,it can get fixed much faster.
To stop these suckin' microsoft programs,I recommend you that:
Here you can find a software set that includes:
-ThunderBird(which is to outlook what Firefox is to ie)
-VLC media player(amazing,can even read edonkey temps.And it works independently:without any codec)
-And much more
You can choose which ones you install and which ones you dont.
Now,to compair FireFox and Opera,the difference is that the Fox is fully free and opensource,means that many people work on it,so it evolves much faster,and that considering security,it can get fixed much faster.
To stop these suckin' microsoft programs,I recommend you that:
Here you can find a software set that includes:
-ThunderBird(which is to outlook what Firefox is to ie)
-VLC media player(amazing,can even read edonkey temps.And it works independently:without any codec)
-And much more
You can choose which ones you install and which ones you dont.