Captain N The Gamemaster Episodes For Download!

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Mar 14, 2004
the netherlands
I´ve found a website that sales Captain N episodes for $2.00 each.
And the whole set 33 episodes (19 is missing) is $30.00 saving you allot of cash!
Well i thought what the heck , and bought the whole set!
It was even better then i thought! ofcourse the quality isn´t dvd quality but it´s really good!
Much better then I expected! So for every N-fan , here´s the link :P
Aw, I thought for free, I was searching for Captain N episodes for some time...

But I don`t want to spend money an these, if only they were in german... :(

btw, are they even allowed to sell these?
Quiest posted on Jul 30 2005 at 11:04 PM said:
Aw, I thought for free, I was searching for Captain N episodes for some time...

But I don`t want to spend money an these, if only they were in german... :(

btw, are they even allowed to sell these?
i have to say i thought the same thing , but after seeing them it was realy worth it! i'm realy excited about this :)
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gba-cube posted on Jul 31 2005 at 12:47 AM said:
Klown posted on Jul 30 2005 at 11:37 PM said:
Buying bootleg tv episodes which are downloadable online is really, really stupid.
where can u download them 4 free?

It`s really not that difficut. :rolleyes:

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Don't ask for links to illegal material! And it'd be best if such requests were ignored in the future instead of answered with deliberately vague hints.

vvv Yes, I realised that your reply wasn't really "giving links" since it's about three pages and a torrent away from anything concrete.
Rico posted on Jul 31 2005 at 02:47 AM said:

Don't ask for links to illegal material! And it'd be best if such requests were ignored in the future instead of answered with deliberately vague hints.

sure thing, i saw your post change in a blink!
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Klown posted on Aug 1 2005 at 10:20 PM said:
Wait, GBA-CUBE is the one selling these. You fucking scamming cunt. You pathetic little worm. Fuck you.

wtf was that?
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All the captain N episodes are $2.00 each, exapt for 10,11,13,22,23 and 24
they are 0.50 because of the bad quality..
The whole set 33 episodes is $30.00 (episodes 19 is missing..)
After your payment is done you will be automaticly transfered to the download
You will allso recieve an email with the download link
You may not leech/share these files without premission!
For problems and questions:
I hope you enjoy the Captain N episodes!


Fucking Retard :lol:
mattmagoo thanks for that i can't wait to watch the super show

gba-cube why didn't you just promote it as your own shop instead of pretending to be a customer? what's worse is that you were so moronic that you left your e-mail address there that makes your ridiculous scam as obvious as your lack of brains. i'm closing this thread faster than the door on a fat hooker during prom night
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