
Oct 5, 2008
Hey guys,

So I've put all the pak files in the appropriate spots and I've got the normal version of quake 2 running. However, I'm trying to figure out how to play the mission packs. The readme mentions how to use mods, but doesn't explain how to get the mission packs running. I added the appropriate pak files to both the rogue and xatrix folders, but what files am I supposed to direct my INI files for those mission packs to? Obviously, directing a new ini file to the same q2.gpe file just loads the original quake 2. Do I have to create new gpe files? If so, what do they have to say? And where do I put them? Thanks!
Hey guys,

So I've put all the pak files in the appropriate spots and I've got the normal version of quake 2 running. However, I'm trying to figure out how to play the mission packs. The readme mentions how to use mods, but doesn't explain how to get the mission packs running. I added the appropriate pak files to both the rogue and xatrix folders, but what files am I supposed to direct my INI files for those mission packs to? Obviously, directing a new ini file to the same q2.gpe file just loads the original quake 2. Do I have to create new gpe files? If so, what do they have to say? And where do I put them? Thanks!
You need the paks + in the rogue/xatrix folders. They should be there so all you need to do is put the pak's there, which sounds like you did.
The next is making a new gpe. Use the q2 as a start, and I think the only thing you have to add is +set game <name>, so for example:
+set game rogue
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You need the paks + in the rogue/xatrix folders. They should be there so all you need to do is put the pak's there, which sounds like you did.
The next is making a new gpe. Use the q2 as a start, and I think the only thing you have to add is +set game <name>, so for example:
+set game rogue
Okay so I've got the paks & in both the rogue and xatrix folders. And I created a new gpe (which I named "q2rogue.gpe" and "q2xatrix.gpe"). I opened the gpe file to edit it (using Notepad++) and I edited it to look like this:


./cpufreq --freq 700
./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22
#for a timedemo run add +set timedemo 1 +map demo1.dm2
cd /usr/gp2x/
+set game rogue

Is that correct? Because it's still not running... :( I'm sorry Pickle, I'm a noob. :/

Also, once I sort out how to correctly edit the gpe's, do they stay in the root Quake 2 folder? Or should I put them in the xatrix and rogue folders?
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./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22 +set game rogue

The new gpe stay in the quake2 folder
OOOOOhhhhhh. :D Thanks Pickle!

Now one last question, sorry! The new menu loads, so I know it's starting the mission packs, but when I select game and then a difficulty, I get a black screen and then it just resets to the wiz menu. This happens with both mission packs. Do you think it's my files or something?

Again thanks for your help.
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./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22 +set game rogue

The new gpe stay in the quake2 folder
OOOOOhhhhhh. :D Thanks Pickle!

Now one last question, sorry! The new menu loads, so I know it's starting the mission packs, but when I select game and then a difficulty, I get a black screen and then it just resets to the wiz menu. This happens with both mission packs. Do you think it's my files or something?

Again thanks for your help.
Is the demo running at the beginning? It may be a memeory issue, set s_khz to 11 and try it again.
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./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22 +set game rogue

The new gpe stay in the quake2 folder
OOOOOhhhhhh. :D Thanks Pickle!

Now one last question, sorry! The new menu loads, so I know it's starting the mission packs, but when I select game and then a difficulty, I get a black screen and then it just resets to the wiz menu. This happens with both mission packs. Do you think it's my files or something?

Again thanks for your help.
Is the demo running at the beginning? It may be a memeory issue, set s_khz to 11 and try it again.
Yeah the demo runs before the menu and everything. I'll try that right now and post back in a few.

Edit: Alright the game now runs, but throughout the demo and in the actual gameplay, there is no sound now. :/
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Thanks for the link from the other post, I still can't get either to run. My new .gpe's (saved in notepad++ UNIX) look like this:


./cpufreq --freq 700
./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22 + set game rogue
#for a timedemo run add +set timedemo 1 +map demo1.dm2
cd /usr/gp2x/

and this:


./cpufreq --freq 700
./sdlquake2 +set vid_ref softsdl +set s_khz 22 + set game xatrix
#for a timedemo run add +set timedemo 1 +map demo1.dm2
cd /usr/gp2x/

Everytime I run them it just hangs at the black loading screen, what am I doing wrong?
I can see you have an extra space: + set game rogue should be +set game rogue
Oops, my mistake. I've changed that now both are loading now.
But sometimes after choosing a game I get a black screen for ages then it either goes back to the Wiz menu screen, or if it does run I've got no sound! (I've turned it up to max.)
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I can see you have an extra space: + set game rogue should be +set game rogue
Oops, my mistake. I've changed that now both are loading now.
But sometimes after choosing a game I get a black screen for ages then it either goes back to the Wiz menu screen, or if it does run I've got no sound! (I've turned it up to max."]
[/quote]Yea I addressed that with Pickle already a few posts above yours. Pickle suspects it's a memory issue that causes it to have problems like that. If you want to play for now (with no sound), you have to re-edit your gpe files. Change the line that says:

+set s_khz 22

make it say:

+set s_khz 11

This will allow the games to run now, but you will have no sound. I've tested it and it works. Apparently this is the only way to get these mission packs to run for now. I'm not sure if Pickle is planning to look into this or not, so you if you're desperate to play, there's your fix. Hope that helps!

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It basically comes down to memory, having the sound on seems to put it over the top. But im trying to decrease the memory usage to get everything to work.
Thanks for the help,
I've just changed the values from 22 to 11, rogue runs perfectly (and quietly!), but xantrix runs though if I move in the game it crashes back to the Wiz menu after a couple of footsteps (quiet ones!!).
Mission packs always seem to cause trouble. :(
Just so you guys understand the wiz sdl cant handle 11025, so quake just shuts down the sound. Its just a crude way I know of to turn the sound off.
No chance of having the soundtrack then !! :lol:

While I'm here how do you press F1 to get the message up?
I've tried all the buttons and even tapped the screen (and it fires!), couldn't a screen tap be used for F1?
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Just so you guys understand the wiz sdl cant handle 11025, so quake just shuts down the sound. Its just a crude way I know of to turn the sound off.
No chance of having the soundtrack then !! :lol:

While I'm here how do you press F1 to get the message up?
I've tried all the buttons and even tapped the screen (and it fires!"], couldn't a screen tap be used for F1?[/quote]That would be cool, I like the idea of tapping the touch screen being the F1 key.

Oh and thanks Pickle for all your help, and for filling us in on why it's crashing. Hopefully you (or someone else if you're too busy) can fix the crashing in xatrix. I don't mind no sound so much. As long as it still plays. :D
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Mission packs always seem to cause trouble. :(

I was fiddling about trying to get the mission packs running with sound, I tried copying the 'video' folder from the original mission packs ('xantrix' & 'rogue' folders) into the Wiz ones.

Rogue now plays with videos & sound, but it's very choppy, probably the 'sound overload problem' as Q2 run's fine with videos. (See below)

Xantrix plays the videos with sound, but when you choose the difficulty to play the game it plays another 2 videos but either crashes back to the main wiz menu straight away or after a few footsteps (as before but with sound this time!)

I also copied the 'video' folder from the original Quake II 'baseq2' folder into the Wiz one, this now runs perfectly as before (but now with videos!)
I also put the 'players' folder in there, whatever difference that will make???

At least we've now got videos in Quake II, it's just a shame about Rogue being so choppy and Xantrix crashing.
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Neil L said:
Mission packs always seem to cause trouble.
At least we've now got videos in Quake II, it's just a shame about Rogue being so choppy and Xantrix crashing.
The levels in the original Quake 2 were "small" in comparision to the mission packs. Rogue isn't bad, but the levels in the Xatrix mission pack are sprawling and full of detail. This pushes ioquake2 into memory issues on the Wiz. They may never run correctly. I can fire up either mission pack, and let the demos run. The Xatrix mission pack will play 2 of the 3 demos - the third demo will cause ioquake2 to fail back to the menu. Turning the sound off (by setting it from 22 to 11 - you can also do the same "in game" by setting the sound option from max compatibility to max performance - this will effectively shut the sound off) save some memory, so will will allow some borderline levels to load and play (albeit silently) on the Wiz. But you'll eventually come to levels later in the game that will crash.

I'm up to the factory levels in the original Quake 2 now, and game play is starting to push the limits of how well I can control the lurching controls on the Wiz to kill before I get killed... As I recall the Xatrix mission pack is fast paced and relenteless, requiring some quick reflexes and heavy use of mouse look to get through - I can't imagine getting too far in the game on the Wiz, regardless of the memory issue.

Professional ports of Quake 2 from the PC to lesser gaming systems (Nintendo 64 and PS 2 for example) involved heavy level redesign to "simplify" them, or outright fresh new level design (in the case of the Nintendo port) to give the Quake 2 "feel" in a simplified venue that these systems could handle. Be amazed that Quake 2 runs "as is" as well as it does on the Wiz. :)
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