In Need Of A Palmtop

declaration posted on Oct 7 2005 at 02:40 PM said:
seriously though, imo the Zodiac is the best PDA for emulation.

the controls on PPCs and PALMs tend to be awful for gaming. The Zodiac has some great emus such as LJZ and the new PSone emulator, with all the great Palm PDA apps you need also available.

Too slow for stuff like GBA and PSX. The analog is not to hot for emus either.

The best would be a PPC with a 400 MHz min CPU and modded controls for gaming.
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If you ever get a budget of £1300 then get a flybook laptop.
Have a look a, its what I'm saving up for now.
Apeiron posted on Oct 8 2005 at 03:34 AM said:
If you ever get a budget of £1300 then get a flybook laptop.
Have a look a, its what I'm saving up for now.


If you want something really tiny, go for an OQO
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If you want the PDA also for gaming, go for the Zodiac... you can't be wrong!

As a gaming platform GP32 is best, but if you also want PDA functionality then the Zod is your best choice.

It is also within your budget, and you'll get more than you bargained for...

Don't buy a PDA for gaming.
I did and I do not like it. I now have my PSP and it is the greatest thing on earth until they get SNES running on my cellphone.
anyway PIM is retarded
get a PSP