Improving the modularity of the Pyra - Possible cooling improvements as well


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
Wish I'd thought of this a bit sooner.

One of the things I really like about the Pyra is the ethos of modularity / upgradability built into the core design.

With that in mind would it not be better if at the rear of the unit where the external ports are (USB, Audio etc.) there was a hole. Rather than having the plastic moulded for individual ports, this hole could be filled with a metal backing plate with holes cut into it corresponding to the required ports. As you would find with a PC Case/Motherboard.

This method would mean that future port changes, perhaps changing micro USB to USB C, HDMI to DisplayPort etc. could be done without needing new moulds.

Would it also be possible to use the metal backing plate to dissipate heat?
The Idea is good but it's too late I think...
Suspect you're right, though by my (possibly faulty) logic the existing moulds could be altered some time in the future to allow this to happen as the change required would be the removal of existing metal rather than addition.

I've no idea how difficult / expensive / time consuming it would be to produce the required backing plates or if it would be a practical solution in terms of heat dissipation from the SOC.
Suspect you're right, though by my (possibly faulty) logic the existing moulds could be altered some time in the future to allow this to happen as the change required would be the removal of existing metal rather than addition.

Wouldn't it require the addition of metal to the mould to stop plastic flowing into the back of the case?