I'm Meeting With A Commercial Developer In 3 Months...

I think you could show them OpenBor... that would hopefully leave an impression and also stress that gp2x users are not expecting 3D graphics over story and gameplay ^^.
OpenBor on gp2x archive
shinneri said:
So I suppose nobody had a subscription to Official Playstation Magazine?
Nope, nobody. Who would want to have anything to do with playstation? :P
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fusion_power said:
independent developers develop for XBox and PS2? Hm, that's new for me. :lol: I thought you have to be a member of EA ore such calibre to touch the Dev Kits for the big consoles, i'm glad i am wrong. ^^
Independent developers have the same access to devkits as the big publishers. I have several devkits sitting on my desk right now.
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Hey everybody..been away for the past few days...I'm going to quick answer a couple of questions:

-I'm Korean (albeit adopted) and speak fluent Korean (learnt on my own) and English

-No, I'm not linked to GPH in any official way...I'm just an enthusiast like you who got the opportunity of a lifetime!
tkeely4777 said:
-I'm Korean (albeit adopted) and speak fluent Korean (learnt on my own) and English
We'll you should get a job at GPH :P Then we have someone to talk to :P
Just kidding, good luck with the presentation!
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