Ideas for Nucleo F429ZI board projects


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010

Do you have some electronics projects ideas for this board ?
It have to be bare metal with the minimum amount of accessories (e.g. plug outputs on inputs with simple wires, use a usb stick etc.).
Also it must be ideas around the knowledge needed in electronics.
Any suggestion is welcome.
I bought a couple of cheap m0 boards off a kickstarter once. They're still in my bits box waiting for something to do with them to be honest.
I started to list all the different boards I had in boxes around my room, but it depressed me so I stopped and wrote this.


After watching the videos on the Commander X16 project, I was surprised about 8bit Guy's video chip being FPGA, and the price bump it was bringing along; when you could make something virtually the same on something like a Teensy for a fraction of the cost. So I've been tempted to get a Teensy 4, and combine it with my Teensy 3.2 and make the 3.2 a video "card", and the 4 handle CPU, audio and input... Though looking at the specs, the V4 could probably handle all of it on it's own :)
But then, it'll just be another device in a box :(
unpack all those nice boards and put them on silk pillows, with good led lighting in a cabinet. voila', you made an... museum! :D
@Linux-SWAT maybe an LED cube? Looks like there's enough pins for a 4x4x4 or maybe even a 5x5x5 cube. Then you could connect it to your network and send packets to set animations etc. :)
It's for a bachelor-level lesson, so it have to be more technical.
There's already a signal generation part in the lesson I think.
I don't know what "bachelor-level lesson" means. Could you generate VGA/PAL/NTSC video signals? Audio Synth?
Stuff like CORDIC, signal processing.
Yes, audio out could do it. Like sine, square.
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