Council hall for sale, comes with eggs freshly applied onto all windows, when least expected. We expect this to be a tenative agreement pending current residents relocation, and public knowledge thereof.
Immediate access to live profanity, and a mailbox stocked with supplies of burnable-grade forestgoods. The roof can carry the weight of half a man, and should you venture therefrom out into the back garden, rest assured it is all hidden from google view.
What's the angle on asking for refunds via email? Legally, everyone who put money in is obligated to get money or product out, via terms of Kickstarter. I would expect the only way to get out of that would be for someone to email them and ask that they opt out of the refund class. Otherwise, the address info can be subpenaed from Kickstarter and those people are still owed refunds.
The need to opt in to a refund is extremely fishy. It almost sounds as if Mark wants out, so he's putting it all on Craig. Craig owns the domain and the email address, and is told to handle it all. Mark washes his hands of it and goes on his merrily way. I don't think Mark's legal responsibility ends there though. I'm consulting with my legal counsel before opting in to anything. By opting in, I may be loosing some rights.
It sounded a little bit too real to be true. If i'm Link i dont sit on that email for a full month. I hope he isnt biting, and i would be very interested to see what kind of legal advice he has assembled at this point.
If you want some free advice it would be to not play it as if you could have something to hide. For us common people it would be very welcoming to have information, also including why exactly project3 is in the clear.
Dont like the "team" bit. ED is hired as a middleman, for no pay it seems, and globalcomponents is a contractor. ED has laid his cards on the table and its very easy to understand his role is not to do with the information that isnt available.
Apart form the regular no sale policy, I expect a situation from craig where refunds beyond those who opt in can't happen because it will be a "pool" of people which results in two lists, one of kickstarter people, and the other which is the refunds.
People move residential address, email, things get difficult, basic arithmetic, someone gets two refunds, excuses are made, and all of a sudden the smoke and mirror clears and the whole process will have been done in the dark.
With only the people to successfully go in first and be loud about it to get anything.
I dont understand why the opt-in cant be done in the kickstarter comment section, or why kickstarter creator regular practice of issuing full refunds isnt something you would opt-out of.
Ill be on the lookout for house listings in newcastle, got some money to spend that i have leftover from not investing in icp2. And craig, you still owe me money on openpandora ltd.