ok. now i have the 2 consoles. i played several hours with drpocketsnes last version. RUNNING ALL GAMES AT 250 mhz or MORE
First i want to say that Notaz genesis emu on Gp2x is unbelievable. Wow !! impressive. cant any difference with a genesis console. when i set it with perfect sync option and at 230 mhz, nothing can be slow down.
But seriously, im really dissapointed about the snes emulator. The psp snes 4.2 me ( and the newer version by the japanese guy) beat all the way the gp2x snes emu. Believe what you want, but i really say the truth.
I didnt find any game that play better on Gp2x vs PsP with transparency ON.
Look at these result, its like night and day.
GP2x= secret of mana , transparency on, after you fall in the waterfall = 9- 12 fps at autoframeskip
PSP= same place = 60 FPS at frameskip 0 so its fullspeed with transparency on) ( snes 4.2me by yoyofr)
Chrono trigger PSP = in battle frameskip 1 = 30 fps, no slow down. at autoframeskip you have more than 50 FPS (snes 4.2 me japanese guy version) I DONT HAVE ANY SLOWDOWN at frameskip 1. always 30 fps in battle.
Chrono triiger GP2x= in battle autoframeskip = 20-24 fps)
So secret of mana is 6 times more fast with a psp vs gp2x.
Chronotriiger is 2 times more fast with a psp vs gp2x.
MAriokart psp 28-30 fps all the time at frameskip 1
Mariokart psp 7-12 fps at autoframeskip.
I TRIED SEVERAL GAMES, if you want i will compare all them. NO ONE IS FASTER ON GP2X
Anyway maybe a very few games will be faster on gp2x if the game is not optimized on psp, but i didnt find any games now faster on Gp2x.
On Gp2x you have to play your snes game in unscaled mode so the screen is small. if you play it stretched it look weird.
On PSP you can play it fullscreen clipped with bilinear filtering for a impressive result , try fullscreen clipped, not standard fullscreen
Finally, believe me if you want to play snes emulation buy a PSP absolutely, all snes games play near the real snes console. i know psp has ghostly a little, but its better a little ghostling than games at 12 fps.
Sincerely theres no comparison, i cant believe some people said games run faster on gp2x its totally false.
and with PSP the D-pad is a lot better than Gp2x F100 jostick digital.
All snes games on PSP except starfox and a few others play at fullspeed at frameskip 1 or 0. even Final fantasy 3 and starOCean. if you by a gp2x to play snes you do a big error. dont get fooled by others people, that said gp2x is faster its totally false.
BUT i have to say, i will keep my Gp2x, because ITS the best genesis emulator i have seen. Its run ever betther than the real harware. lol . All genesis games fullspeed no lag no slowdown, no frameskip even sonic 3
You want genesis emu = BUY A GP2X
You want snes emu = Buy a PSP
YOU WANT ALL ???= Wait for Pandora.
i hope i will not see others posts like: its not true gp2x is faster

. Buy a FAT PSP with 1.50 kernel like M33 3.40 version and play the snes 4.2 me by yoyofr and the 4.2 me version by the japanese guy.
if you dont get great result, you dont have configure it correclty.
note: its just my opinion, but its a fact , its true, try to configure the snes psp 4.2 me japanese guy version correctly and see for yourself.