Fullspeed Games On Psp Snes Emu


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Just thought I'd make a list of the games I'VE found, on the SNES emu, that run full speed at 333 mhz, with sound, at a frameskip of 1-3. For what people who are just now starting to enjoy emulation on their PSP's thanks to the memory swap hack. Anyways, here's the list, feel free to add to it, and I'll probably be adding to it myself over the next couple of weeks as I get a chance to play thru more of the roms I have:

Batman Returns
Final Fight
Smash TV
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Super Bomberman 5
Super Punch Out
TMNT IV Turtles in Time
Super R-type
R-type 3
Super Punch-out (turn off transparencies)
Legend of Zelda (okay it doesn't run fullspeed ALL the time, but is very playable)

Seiken Densetsu 3 played great as well, unfortunately the hacked/translated version I have runs the translated text in some different resolution... and most emulators I've played it on do not support it and the text comes out all screwed up. My Xbox emu plays it perfectly... but unfortunately the PSP emu does not :(
actually,i had the same problem with sd3,then i found this french site that has loads of roms versions with more up to date translations patches,and they are all already applied.uhm,i'm not sure i can send the link here,right?

oh,and fzero works fullspeed for me too
actually,i had the same problem with sd3,then i found this french site that has loads of roms versions with more up to date translations patches,and they are all already applied.uhm,i'm not sure i can send the link here,right?

oh,and fzero works fullspeed for me too

No, Please use PM. :)

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fs3 sucks :P
i'll wait for future releases before going at it with the snes emulator. i tried megaman x, and it's only full speed at about frame skip 4, which looks like absolute shit.
all in all, it's a great emulator thoguh

have you tried the new PSPGenesis emulator? very fast!
Actually, I dont know if it's because of the PSP's screen blurring or what, but FS3 doesnt' look as bad as I thought it would.

Keep in mind you would always want to leave the auto frameskip ON as well.

It's weird on the SNES emu you turn auto frame skip on and THEN you set the maximum FS you want it to allow. I usually just set it to 3 with auto frameskip set to on... but this doesn't mean it's actually doing FS 3.
Bast, have you tried the new Official Snes Emu release?

It doesn't seem wuite as good as the Unnoficial ones, but everygame I have tried so far has worked (that wouldn't work with the unnoficial build)...ISS and Arebiz Supersonic still rule the Snes...and now they wule the PSP.

Edit: batteries on keyboard running out, excuse all errors.
...and the the version of the 2 MD/GENESIS emus released today are pretty impressive as well.
nope haven't even had a chance to get whatever new stuff has been out in the last two days. I heard the MD emu's were running great though. And I did know about the official SNES emu running more games but at a speed sacrifice so decided to just stick with the one I'm using. The only game I wanted to play that isn't running on the emu I'm running now is Super Metroid... probably fine as I'm betting it runs pretty slow.
Give the new offical one a try, the speed is near enought he same as the unnofical.

I haven't tried Metroid but I do believe it runs slow.
Oh man, Aerobiz Supersonic is still the best game on the Snes (next to Mario World and Zelda of course)...so addictive...I've got my company going now...just making sure I've got no planes going to Iraq in preperation for the First Gulf War.

I love it.
I did a big rant on it back in the day when it became playable on the GP32.

It's up there with my favourite Snes games:

Aerobiz Supersonic (though I only ever had Aerobiz in 'real' life - it was never sold in Europe and it was by chance that I discovered it for cheap in a Cash converters of all places).
Holy crap!

It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Chrono Trigger is working.....

Where's Magus when you need him!!!
does chrono trigger have any transperency porblems??

dammit! I said I wouldn't use my PSP for emu's but this SNES one's sounding pretty tastey... maybe just one little bite.... :lol:
Anything that runs fine on the GP32, I will continue to use the GP32 for. The controls simply seem so much nicer on the GP32. I've especially noticed that diagonals are terrible with the four button d-pad of the PSP. Plus, the PSP is heavy, and I've noticed becomes very tiresome after a moderately long play session.

But, I will definitely be getting a larger card for SNES. If anything else interesting come, I'll try that, too.

One cool thing to note, I took my SRAM save of Super Mario RPG (which was using ZSNES) and I put it in the SAVES folder of the SNES9xPSP, and it worked! So I can continue my game from my PC on my PSP. B)

EDIT: Oh, and I tried Tales of Phantasia, and it ran fine (slow-ish, of course, but that will be fixed). :)
I've especially noticed that diagonals are terrible with the four button d-pad of the PSP

the gp32 has a four button d-pad as well....
I meant divided buttons.

I don't have trouble with up-right or down-left as my thumb is positioned well to do those. But trying to press down-right and up-left actually require me to twist my thumb in order to press both at once. Try Super Mario RPG (which has a very odd perspective) and you'll understand.

Obviously, the GP32 doesn't have this problem because it's buttons are all controlled by the d-stick.
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Agreed, the PSP pad does suck with the diagonals. This is a problem I've had with every Playstation controller... but on the PSP it seems worse as the pad buttons are a bit more stiff than say on my PS2.

I know most of you probably wouldn't want to use this but most emu's now are supporting use of the analog nub instead of the pad.

Seems to me the PSP's analog nub works better than say, the Zodiacs true stick, since the PSP's nub moves on a flat plane as opposed to tilting, so it's moderately better for emulators, but still not as good as a true D-pad.