I Think That Snes Emu On Psp Work Better Than The One On Gp2x Is It Th

I tried this newer version also, and find it to be lacking. No matter what I did, Chrono trigger seems to slow down, audio and otherwise. I think it emulates the snes faster than gp2x, but they have not implemented frameskip very well.

I played for about 5 minutes, before switching back to my trusty 2x.
My gp2x can clock up to 290mhz, and at that speed, it runs Chrono Trigger far better than psp. I considered getting a psp for emulation, but after modding my freinds psp and getting a chance to play with it, no way. :gp2x FTW!
ok. now i have the 2 consoles. i played several hours with drpocketsnes last version. RUNNING ALL GAMES AT 250 mhz or MORE


First i want to say that Notaz genesis emu on Gp2x is unbelievable. Wow !! impressive. cant any difference with a genesis console. when i set it with perfect sync option and at 230 mhz, nothing can be slow down.

But seriously, im really dissapointed about the snes emulator. The psp snes 4.2 me ( and the newer version by the japanese guy) beat all the way the gp2x snes emu. Believe what you want, but i really say the truth.

I didnt find any game that play better on Gp2x vs PsP with transparency ON.

Look at these result, its like night and day.

GP2x= secret of mana , transparency on, after you fall in the waterfall = 9- 12 fps at autoframeskip
PSP= same place = 60 FPS at frameskip 0 so its fullspeed with transparency on) ( snes 4.2me by yoyofr)

Chrono trigger PSP = in battle frameskip 1 = 30 fps, no slow down. at autoframeskip you have more than 50 FPS (snes 4.2 me japanese guy version) I DONT HAVE ANY SLOWDOWN at frameskip 1. always 30 fps in battle.

Chrono triiger GP2x= in battle autoframeskip = 20-24 fps)

So secret of mana is 6 times more fast with a psp vs gp2x.
Chronotriiger is 2 times more fast with a psp vs gp2x.

MAriokart psp 28-30 fps all the time at frameskip 1
Mariokart psp 7-12 fps at autoframeskip.

I TRIED SEVERAL GAMES, if you want i will compare all them. NO ONE IS FASTER ON GP2X

Anyway maybe a very few games will be faster on gp2x if the game is not optimized on psp, but i didnt find any games now faster on Gp2x.

On Gp2x you have to play your snes game in unscaled mode so the screen is small. if you play it stretched it look weird.
On PSP you can play it fullscreen clipped with bilinear filtering for a impressive result , try fullscreen clipped, not standard fullscreen

Finally, believe me if you want to play snes emulation buy a PSP absolutely, all snes games play near the real snes console. i know psp has ghostly a little, but its better a little ghostling than games at 12 fps.

Sincerely theres no comparison, i cant believe some people said games run faster on gp2x its totally false.
and with PSP the D-pad is a lot better than Gp2x F100 jostick digital.

All snes games on PSP except starfox and a few others play at fullspeed at frameskip 1 or 0. even Final fantasy 3 and starOCean. if you by a gp2x to play snes you do a big error. dont get fooled by others people, that said gp2x is faster its totally false.

BUT i have to say, i will keep my Gp2x, because ITS the best genesis emulator i have seen. Its run ever betther than the real harware. lol . All genesis games fullspeed no lag no slowdown, no frameskip even sonic 3

You want genesis emu = BUY A GP2X
You want snes emu = Buy a PSP
YOU WANT ALL ???= Wait for Pandora.

i hope i will not see others posts like: its not true gp2x is faster :( . Buy a FAT PSP with 1.50 kernel like M33 3.40 version and play the snes 4.2 me by yoyofr and the 4.2 me version by the japanese guy.

if you dont get great result, you dont have configure it correclty.

note: its just my opinion, but its a fact , its true, try to configure the snes psp 4.2 me japanese guy version correctly and see for yourself.
renejr902 said:
ok. now i have the 2 consoles. i played several hours with drpocketsnes last version. RUNNING ALL GAMES AT 250 mhz or MORE
But seriously, im really dissapointed about the snes emulator. The psp snes 4.2 me ( and the newer version by the japanese guy) beat all the way the gp2x snes emu. Believe what you want, but i really say the truth.
Not a big suprise here though. The PSP is faster hardware, and the SNES emu is still being developed. There hasn't been an update for any SNES emu on the GP2X for years.
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I stand by what I said: I get almost continuous full-speed chrono trigger on my GP2X with sound set to 44000, all MMU speed hacks enables, Craigs ram timing, transparency's on, and clocked to 290mhz. I maintain 58fps with 1 framskip, with NO frameskip usually have 28-30fps. Clocking to 290 makes a HUGE difference.
And not only that, but I get an EXCELLENT screen that it renders at native res to, giving a bigger area than the PSP at native snes res, as well as NO blur at all. TV out is a nice bonus. Not saying the PSP is bad, but the fact remains: My GP2X runs SNES better than a PSP. And I defy anyone to argue that with me. :lol: Don't assume that you are always right, and that anyone who believes elsewise is stupid, renejr902.

What do you mean, DaveC, there was an ENORMOUS PocketSNES update in like December, and a few smaller updates since. Saying that it has not gotten better in years is, well, completely false. :P
ahhh i dont think palmertech has a psp or he didnt try the last version from the japanese guy.
i dont say people that believe gp2x runs it faster are stupid, they just dont fully testing the psp snes emu, the gp2x is really slower , i tried 50 games in same time with my psp and gp2x. MAybe at 290 mhz you can have better result but i dont want to run my gp2x at this speed. and when you say you can get 28fps in chrono trigger im sure its with transparency off. Try to get secret of mana at 60 fps with transparency on near the waterfall with your gp2x, its impossible . not even near that.

Stop playing chrono trigger and try others games, you will see the gp2x is really slow if you have a psp.

Anyway i will not argument more, i just dont want PEOPLE to do the same error i did, anyway i bought the gp2x to play picodrive first, but if you want a snes emu near perfection dont get a gp2x. get a psp. in fullscreen with bilinear filtering all games looks fantastic. gp2x fullscreen strecthing is REALLY BAD. and i cant play snes emu in a small screen on gp2x my eyes dont want it. i try to save people from a big disappointment.
at least gp2x picodrive is awesome. cant believe it.
I tried the latest version from your "japanese guy".
It's OK, but I still prefer the GP2X version.
I have about 30-40 games and most of them work fine at a decent speed with some frameskip. Fullscreen is fine for me. Only problem is, it doesn't play Starfox :(
The PSP version sucks only because of the screen. Otherwise it's fine.
palmertech said:
What do you mean, DaveC, there was an ENORMOUS PocketSNES update in like December, and a few smaller updates since. Saying that it has not gotten better in years is, well, completely false. :P
It seems like it has been a year. Anyway SNES on the GP2X is still very slow unless you shut off all of the transparency and raster effects, and add alot of frameskip for some games. Try Axelay, almost unplayable. I am sure it is much faster on the PSP.
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palmertech said:
Clocking to 290 makes a HUGE
You do know that not everyone can hit this clock speed. In fact, I think most people can't.
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The PSP version uses hardware acceleration for the graphics rendering this is why it performs better. I don't believe there is anything we could borrow from the PSP source code in order to improve the GP2X version.

The best we can do for the GP2X version is move the audio processing to the 2nd core, however due to the way the emulator is written its very hard to split things out. The DS snes emulators have already split out the audio processing, so it must be doable. I just can not be asked to split out the PocketSnes code because everytime I go near it I feel dirty :).

I did recently managed to seperate the video rendering and put that on the 2nd cpu, however it was very buggy and worse still it performed slower than doing the rendering on the 920 so I've given up that idea.

I vote we nag Exophase and Notaz until they write a new Snes emulator from scratch :ph34r:
Reesy said:
The best we can do for the GP2X version is move the audio processing to the 2nd core, however due to the way the emulator is written its very hard to split things out. The DS snes emulators have already split out the audio processing, so it must be doable. I just can not be asked to split out the PocketSnes code because everytime I go near it I feel dirty :).
I think one idea for trying to get a higher performance SNES emulator on GP2X would be to port one of the DS ones and rewrite the video rendering. You'd want to do the latter anyway (and preferably in ARM ASM) because there are a few key things that could make a big difference compared to SNES9x. The biggest thing you'd want to get away from are the huge buffers that chew on cache lines.

If you were really feeling ridiculous you could try using gpSP's renderer with it, expanded to support the DS stuff it uses (which wouldn't be all that much over the GBA stuff, probably just VRAM layout). This would have obvious problems but might still beat SNES9x's renderer some of the time >_>

Reesy said:
I did recently managed to seperate the video rendering and put that on the 2nd cpu, however it was very buggy and worse still it performed slower than doing the rendering on the 920 so I've given up that idea.
That might have worked better scheduled the other way around (video on 920, most other stuff on 940), although that would have been much harder to write.

Reesy said:
I vote we nag Exophase and Notaz until they write a new Snes emulator from scratch :ph34r:
Good luck with that B)
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i try chorono trigger at 290 mhz its not make big a difference with transparency ON , only 20 to 27 fps. but often slow down to 20. if the game was playable at frameskip 1 ( 30fps) with no slow down, it will be best. i have difficulty to play game with autoframskip i prefer to choose frameskip 1 or 0. frameskip 2 is unplayable for me. its the reason why i prefer the psp version. + fullscreen clipped look really nice with bilinear filtering.
Exophase said:
palmertech said:
Clocking to 290 makes a HUGE
You do know that not everyone can hit this clock speed. In fact, I think most people can't.

Yes, I do know that. I am such a lucky dog. :D

renejr902, I only used chrono trigger as an example because you said gp2x runs NO games faster than PSP, I just wanted to point that out. Also....... I admit defeat, I did not properly configure the PSP emulator. It is absolutely amazing. I had used it before, though, I modded my friends PSP and played around for a while before giving it back. I am put off by the blur, and I think that this is a personal preference, blur vs speed. I like lower speed, less blur. Although this "japanese guy" release has convinced me to buy a PSP 2000 (The new one) in hopes of the screen being a bit less blurry. Just wanna say, dont buy a GP2X just for SNES over PSP, but if you are getting one.....Somehow.... Know that the snes emulation is still REALLY good on most games. :)
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Reesy said:
The best we can do for the GP2X version is move the audio processing to the 2nd core, however due to the way the emulator is written its very hard to split things out. The DS snes emulators have already split out the audio processing, so it must be doable. I just can not be asked to split out the PocketSnes code because everytime I go near it I feel dirty :).

I did recently managed to seperate the video rendering and put that on the 2nd cpu, however it was very buggy and worse still it performed slower than doing the rendering on the 920 so I've given up that idea.

I vote we nag Exophase and Notaz until they write a new Snes emulator from scratch :ph34r:
Maybe the whole emu wouldn't need to be rewritten but maybe just the renderer? I heard it said that the rendering was the main bottleneck (the CPU is weak) and the code for that was not too clean. If that could be cleaned up maybe there would be a decent speed increase?
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be caution palmertech, i know the new psp version ( the slim ) has some incompatibility with a some emulators. i dont know if you can run the last version of snes ( from the japanese guy) with the slim. i think (im not sure) the japanese guy version still use kernel 1.50 that is difficult to get running on a slim.
someone know if im wrong about that ?

and i have a gp2x its why i can compare the two handheld. but im very impressed with gp2x picodrive. really better than psp edition.

for the psp i know the slim has a higher brightness and its more crips , but i dont know if its blur less. i really hope that.

i try today a few Sega Cd games from picodrive on gp2x its rocks. :)
Thanks for letting me know about that. Previously, it has been hard to get the 1.5 kernel on the PSP Slim, but the newest Pandora Magic Memory stick makers have the ability the insert the 1.5 kernel. From 3.90m33 up, they have added a feature that lets you switch from the old to the new kernel at will. It may have been there before, but I just noticed it on my friends now. :)

About the PSP slim screen.... It would appear that all sony did was move the screen closer to the screen cover, reduced the thickness of the screen cover, and possibly gave it plastic with better optical properties. So the slight brightness increase is due to partly a hardware upgrade that drives the backlight at a slightly higher brightness, and the color and contrast upgrade comes from the new plastic cover. It would seem that it still has the blur problems. :(
Well.... AEIcomp has a few 3-5" screens that accept component, as well as ones that accept VGA. Using the PSP slim, you could just use the tv out, and someone has made a VGA mod for the original PSP. They are really nice screens, and I am thinking it would be neat to fit one in a GBO with a new, blur free screen. :)
renejr902 said:
be caution palmertech, i know the new psp version ( the slim ) has some incompatibility with a some emulators. i dont know if you can run the last version of snes ( from the japanese guy) with the slim. i think (im not sure) the japanese guy version still use kernel 1.50 that is difficult to get running on a slim.
someone know if im wrong about that ?

and i have a gp2x its why i can compare the two handheld. but im very impressed with gp2x picodrive. really better than psp edition.

for the psp i know the slim has a higher brightness and its more crips , but i dont know if its blur less. i really hope that.
I have both fat and slim PSPs. I prefer slim PSP because of its smaller weight and less blurry screen.

Just point out the link to the last version of snes and I will try it on my slim PSP to check it runs well.

Normally a lot of homebrews are upgraded to run on FW3.x and there is a common agreement to discard FW 1.5 compatibility amongst PSP developers.
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