I think I may have broken my GP2X. It's one of the newer ones, I bought it last December. I was playing F-ZERO on SuidgeSNES at 260mhz (I normally use between 240-60mhz for emulation) after playing some other games on other emulators at 240mhz and 250mhz for about twenty minutes. After about thirty second, the screen went black and I heard a clicking noise coming from the speakers. When I turned it off and on, it got to the green bootup screen and then the same thing happened. I waited a while now, turned it back on again, it got to the orange screen and then crashed again. Did I blow out one of the CPUs or something? Or could it be a power issue? I just put in some rechargeables I haven't used before - Opteka brand, 1.25v, 2700mAh.