I NEEEED your Gp32 : )


Still Fresh
Aug 13, 2003
Hi Guys i bought a GP32 off ebay which had a slightly f*cked A Button but i didnt send it back cause i was travelling to Thailand for a couple of months....now im back i really want to fix it...the Fix button FAQ on the forums seems alittle hardcore.....so i was wondering if anyone has got a tottaly knackered GP32 which they could send me...or even just the button pads from inside the button housing....might be able to stump up a Tenner....or so if it works : )
Hi there

I have a spare set of bubbers to go into your GP32, but you can save yourself the money if you check your GP32 first.

If you open the GP32 or play alot, then the rubber slides down the two pins it's holding onto. So you might want to open and check your GP32 first.

Here is a picture which shows you were to look!

Just post back if you still want the rubber!

Thanks for the Reply Captain....ill take it apart tommorrow and have a look (i need to borrow IT's mini screwdriver : ) hopefully i can fix it myself...otherwise thanks for the offer of the rubber bits...cant believe the b@stard sold it to me in this condition....its taught me to be more careful as far as ebays concerned :angry: